davrempe / contact-human-dynamics

Code for ECCV 2020 paper "Contacts and Human Dynamics from Monocular Video".
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How to replace open pose with impose? #19

Open lucasjinreal opened 2 years ago

NewCoderQ commented 2 years ago

You may need to retrain the foot contact estimation network.

lucasjinreal commented 2 years ago

@NewCoderQ Hi, I already replaced openpose part with Alphapose.

I can get prediction from foot contacts now. It looks work although not accurate as original.

Then I want using contact result to do physics optimization. I want also replace the MTC with PARE (enchanced VIBE).

May I ask, what's the physics needed for optimization? Except for the foot contacts, is the 3d pose from VIBE enough?

NewCoderQ commented 2 years ago

You need to keep the body keypoints in the center of the image with the resolution 1080 1920(height width) when you predict the foot contacts which may can reach the accuracy from the paper. You don't need any physics for foot contacts optimization. Before running the optiminazation scripts, you may need to prepare a skeleton bvh file matching your 3D pose, and estimate the floor parameters by foot 3D points from the 3D pose.

lucasjinreal commented 2 years ago

@NewCoderQ 可以加个微信请教一下吗,看起来你对这个方法很了解, 感兴趣的话一起来交流一下 image

NewCoderQ commented 2 years ago


henrycjh commented 1 year ago

@jinfagang 您好,群满了,可以再拉一个吗