davwys / arduino-sport-to-mavlink

Arduino Sketch for converting FrSky S.Port telemetry data to MAVLink format
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Yaapu Telemetry: No data in mission planner #3

Open stevefoxuk opened 4 years ago

stevefoxuk commented 4 years ago

Hi, i have flashed a nano with the firmware and mission planner connects to it and i skip the getting parameter process but im not getting any data in mission planner at all.

I have it connected though an FrSKy R9M 2019 on a Jumper T16 and im getting full telemetry in the Yaapu telemetry widget including the on screen satellite mapping on the actual transmitter but nothing in mission planner??

i was hoping to test this out and clinging to the hope that it will be developed further to the point where it can be used to drive an antenna tracker from the s.port telemetry instead of having to use 3DR modules.

Any ideas why im not getting any data in mission planner, i cant see any info saying i need any specific lua scripts installed on the tx, am i missing something?

Thanks, Steve.

davwys commented 4 years ago

Hi Steve,

The Yaapu telemetry working is unfortunately not a sufficient indicator that conversion will work; instead, you have to check the Telemetry page in OpenTX. Do all sensors show up there as expected? I know in some setups (e.g. iNav with Yaapu) sensors won't show up on the telemetry page, and hence won't work with this converter. You actually don't need any LUA scripts on the TX for the converter to work, as it gets its data directly from the R9M. (See also issue #2 )

Could you post the output of Mission Planner's Mavlink inspector? It seems like heartbeat/param messages are getting through, but sensors are most likely not being recognized.

If I were to develop this further (which I'm not sure if I'll have the time for...), I will probably switch over to ESP32 for the increased computing power and built-in bluetooth. An antenna tracker would definitely be interesting! I guess if you can get the Mavlink conversion to work, you could use quite a few different trackers (e.g. u360gts, Pitlab, Ardupilot tracker) with this without the need for any further development.

Hope this helps! David

stevefoxuk commented 4 years ago

Hi Steve,

The Yaapu telemetry working is unfortunately not a sufficient indicator that conversion will work; instead, you have to check the Telemetry page in OpenTX. Do all sensors show up there as expected? I know in some setups (e.g. iNav with Yaapu) sensors won't show up on the telemetry page, and hence won't work with this converter. You actually don't need any LUA scripts on the TX for the converter to work, as it gets its data directly from the R9M. (See also issue #2 )

Could you post the output of Mission Planner's Mavlink inspector? It seems like heartbeat/param messages are getting through, but sensors are most likely not being recognized.

If I were to develop this further (which I'm not sure if I'll have the time for...), I will probably switch over to ESP32 for the increased computing power and built-in bluetooth. An antenna tracker would definitely be interesting! I guess if you can get the Mavlink conversion to work, you could use quite a few different trackers (e.g. u360gts, Pitlab, Ardupilot tracker) with this without the need for any further development.

Hope this helps! David

I'll try to get a output from mission planner tomorrow and post it :)

It definitely looks like mission planner is connecting to the nano, it takes a whike to connect but always does and then moves to 'getting parameters' which I skip but then no matter how long I leave it and with 13 SATs showing on my tx, mission planner just lays idle.

In the sensors list I am getting rssi, GPS co ordinates, RX voltage and possibly something else, I can't remember.

I'm running un inverted mavlink to FrSky passthough on the flight controller, in half duplex mode and no inverter as the R9 slim+ can accept ether type but I have had the yaapu telem working and the exact same sensors showing up in the otx sensor list when running a full size R9 RX and a inverter on the s.port line between the fc and rx

I assumed that without more data coming though your converter to mission planner that the Ardupilot ant tracker wouldn't work (I have a F4 flight controller with ant tracker installed for my tracker) as it needs the altitude to control the tilt servo and not just GPS ?

davwys commented 4 years ago

I will probably update this pretty soon then so you don't have to skip the "getting params" step; I have done that on newer MAVLink projects and it always worked well with MP :) (I just send a single parameter and let MP know that that's all.)

For the GPS sensor: can you check the sensor ID and post it here? The code expects the following defaults (ID and Instance, e.g. 800 and 4 for GPS coordinates):

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-29 um 08 11 27

Inverted/uninverted input shouldn't make a difference; as long as the sensors appear on your TX, all should be fine. I even tried this with the EagleTree Vector's OpenTelem, and it worked.

For antenna tracking, you'd need at least GPS altitude as well, which you should be able to get. Although I'm not sure on the specifics of the Ardupilot setup...

stevefoxuk commented 4 years ago

I opened the inspector and its showing data in kB but I don't know how to copy the fields to post here?

In the above sensors you posted, is that what should be displayed in the otx sensor list? I don't have all of those, just RX bat, rssi and GPS . The GPS is 0800 but I.d is 28, changing it to anything else causes otx to loose the sensor.

davwys commented 4 years ago

Can you post a screenshot? That should be enough to determine what messages get through.

If the sensor ID is 28, it makes sense it's not recognized :) You don't need all of these, it will just use the ones that exist. But that are the expected IDs, anything else would need code adaptations to work. You can try initializing the FrSkySportSensorGps object (or any of the other sensors) with the ID shown in OpenTX as follows: Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-30 um 10 54 25 This would make it listen for a GPS with ID 28.

Hope that works!

ragelancer commented 4 years ago

Hi Davwys. I have the same problem as Steve has. The same hardware, the same software. My GPS id is 0800 and 1, so I code the ino file as you said. image But it didn't work. The mavlink inspector as follow image

davwys commented 4 years ago

From the MAVLink inspector, it looks like all messages are coming through - can you show what the GPS_RAW_INT and GLOBAL_POSITION_INT messages contain? Also, if your aircraft does not have a GPS fix yet (e.g. inside a building), you obviously wouldn't get any GPS data.

ragelancer commented 4 years ago

image image 8 satellites showing on my radio,I think it get gps fixed.

davwys commented 4 years ago

Then it seems like it's a problem with the Yaapu/iNav telemetry in general - However I don't think I can develop this further, since I don't have any iNav-equipped planes... If anyone wants to implement a fix for this, feel free to create a pull request :)