dawidchyrzynski / arduino-home-assistant

ArduinoHA allows to integrate an Arduino/ESP based device with Home Assistant using MQTT.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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HADeviceTrigger not working, no activity in HomeAssistat #235

Closed mariusmotea closed 4 months ago

mariusmotea commented 4 months ago


I try to have some hardware switches working with HomeAssistant but unfortunately they are not working. If i add other types like switches, buttons, sensors they show in HomeAssistant right away. I turn debug mode on for the MQTT integration and i can only see some entries when the ESP32S3 boot and connect but nothing when i press the buttons. I test with the example "multi-state-button" using ethernet W5500 module and WiFi, no change. With MQTT explorer i can see activity on the topic used by this integration, but no reaction in HomeAssistant and no entity is being created (like is happening with HAButton, HASwitch, etc). I use the last release of HomeAssistant and i believe some changes may exist at the api level.

dawidchyrzynski commented 4 months ago

Hi @mariusmotea,

Triggers are not represented as entities in Home Assistant. They can only be utilized within automations. When creating a new automation, please select your device. In the "Trigger" dropdown, you will find a list of triggers exposed by the selected device.


mariusmotea commented 4 months ago

Thanks @dawidchyrzynski, i missed this info. It is working good.