dawidd6 / action-ansible-playbook

:gear: A GitHub Action for running Ansible playbooks
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How to install pip package in the same environment where ansible run #98

Open mihalt opened 2 months ago

mihalt commented 2 months ago

Hi! I use hashi_vault.vault_read in one of my playbooks and I see, that Github Actions ubuntu-latest host uses "ansible_playbook_python": "/opt/pipx/venvs/ansible-core/bin/python"

And when I install pip install hvac or pipx install --include-deps hvac on Actions server looks like it installs hvac, that I need to make vault_read working. So, how should I install it in github acitons server to have opportunity to use hashi_vault.vault_read module? What do you think?

mihalt commented 2 months ago

Ok, it was solution pipx inject ansible-core hvac

Are maybe any more better ways? Or planned in your lib?