dawidd6 / action-download-artifact

:gear: A GitHub Action to download an artifact associated with given workflow and commit or other criteria
MIT License
685 stars 200 forks source link

It's trying to download a very old artifact, when much newer ones exist #240

Open dsnopek opened 1 year ago

dsnopek commented 1 year ago

I'm using this YAML:

      - name: Download latest Godot artifacts
        uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2.27.0
        if: ${{ matrix.run-tests }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GODOT_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          repo: godotengine/godot
          branch: master
          event: push
          workflow: linux_builds.yml
          workflow_conclusion: success
          name: linux-editor-mono
          search_artifacts: true
          check_artifacts: true
          path: godot-artifacts

And getting this result:

==> Repository: godotengine/godot
==> Artifact name: linux-editor-mono
==> Local path: godot-artifacts
==> Workflow name: linux_builds.yml
==> Workflow conclusion: success
==> Branch: master
==> (found) Run ID: 4612375401
==> (found) Run date: 2023-04-04T21:10:45Z
==> Artifact: 632304094
==> Downloading: linux-editor-mono.zip (159.63 MB)
Error: no downloadable artifacts found (expired)

The thing is, there are many dozens of newer runs! (Maybe even hundreds? Godot is a very active project.)

My first thought was that maybe the API is returning them in chronological order and picking the first (and hence oldest) one. So, I tried recreating the API calls I see in main.js using curl on the command-line, but it appears that the API is correctly returning them in reverse chronologic order (ie. newest first).

When I try to list the runs:

$ curl -L   -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json"   -H "Authorization: Bearer SECRET"  -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28"   https://api.github.com/repos/godotengine/godot/actions/runs?branch=master\&workflow_id=linux_builds.yml\&event=push

Here's just the first one (out of apparently 52,727 of them :-)):

  "total_count": 52727,
  "workflow_runs": [
      "id": 4832884014,
      "name": "🔗 GHA",
      "node_id": "WFR_kwLOAO6SJc8AAAABIA_1Lg",
      "head_branch": "master",
      "head_sha": "9f12e7b52d944281a39b7d3a33de6700c76cc23a",
      "path": ".github/workflows/runner.yml",
      "display_title": "Merge pull request #76521 from justinwash/csg-infinite-loop-fix",
      "run_number": 1495,
      "event": "push",
      "status": "completed",
      "conclusion": "success",
      "workflow_id": 33869182,
      "check_suite_id": 12557182992,
      "check_suite_node_id": "CS_kwDOAO6SJc8AAAAC7HdoEA",
      "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/godotengine/godot/actions/runs/4832884014",
      "html_url": "https://github.com/godotengine/godot/actions/runs/4832884014",
      "pull_requests": [
           // ... snip ...
      "created_at": "2023-04-28T16:47:39Z",
      "updated_at": "2023-04-28T17:27:59Z",
      // ... snip ...

If it would pick that one, that'd be fabulous!

Since I'm using search_artifacts and check_artifacts, I also tried listing the artifacts for this run:

$ curl -L   -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json"   -H "Authorization: Bearer SECRET"  -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28"   https://api.github.com/repos/godotengine/godot/actions/runs/4832884014/artifacts

And I can see an artifact with the correct name in there:

      "id": 671104974,
      "node_id": "MDg6QXJ0aWZhY3Q2NzExMDQ5NzQ=",
      "name": "linux-editor-mono",
      "size_in_bytes": 161234643,
      "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/godotengine/godot/actions/artifacts/671104974",
      "archive_download_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/godotengine/godot/actions/artifacts/671104974/zip",
      "expired": false,
      "created_at": "2023-04-28T17:27:58Z",
      "updated_at": "2023-04-28T17:27:59Z",
      "expires_at": "2023-05-12T16:55:05Z",
      "workflow_run": {
        "id": 4832884014,
        "repository_id": 15634981,
        "head_repository_id": 15634981,
        "head_branch": "master",
        "head_sha": "9f12e7b52d944281a39b7d3a33de6700c76cc23a"

What can I do to induce it to try and download this artifact?

Looking at the code in main.js, I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong, unless the GitHub client is doing something to sort the results in chronological order (such that the oldest is first)?


dsnopek commented 1 year ago

An update: I copied the code for this action into my project, and added some console.log() statements. It is picking the first workflow run in the loop, and it is a very old one. So, it does seem to be an issue with the order.

AndrewDryga commented 8 months ago

If anyone needs a script to workaround this issue take a look at https://github.com/firezone/firezone/pull/2665

SoftwarehouseForAutomation commented 7 months ago

thank's a lot. I got the very same problem with downloading artifacts, script from this PR helped me to create my own download artifact job https://github.com/firezone/firezone/pull/2665/commits/040345c13b4748b064cfb5aa0f9da995ecccdf0a