dawoe / OEmbed-Picker-Property-Editor

Property editor for Umbraco CMS to allow embedding 3rd party media like Youtube, Vimeo, ... outside of the rich text editor.
MIT License
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Use umb-icon component #19

Closed bjarnef closed 1 year ago

bjarnef commented 2 years ago

A few placed the editor use the following to show icons.

<i class="icon icon-navigation handle" aria-hidden="true"></i>

Maybe in a new multi-target version for Umbraco v8.17 and v9 we could use this instead:

<umb-icon icon="icon-navigation" class="icon handle"></umb-icon>
dawoe commented 2 years ago

Good idea. Let me first get the multi targeted version out :-D If I only had 48 hours in a day

dawoe commented 1 year ago

This is part of the V10 release