dawoe / OEmbed-Picker-Property-Editor

Property editor for Umbraco CMS to allow embedding 3rd party media like Youtube, Vimeo, ... outside of the rich text editor.
MIT License
10 stars 10 forks source link

Support for Umbraco 13 #33

Closed bjarnef closed 5 months ago

bjarnef commented 6 months ago

Umbraco 13 has just been released https://umbraco.com/blog/umbraco-13-lts-release/ 🥳🎉

So hopefully this package we get an updated version (version 13 I guess to align to version number?) 🤞 https://www.nuget.org/packages/Dawoe.OEmbedPickerPropertyEditor

arknu commented 6 months ago

I made a PR to support Umbraco 13 here: https://github.com/dawoe/OEmbed-Picker-Property-Editor/pull/34

D-Inventor commented 6 months ago

I would love to see this because we rely quite heavily on this package. It's the only package that keeps us from updating to Umbraco 13 at the moment.

dawoe commented 5 months ago

@bjarnef @D-Inventor @arknu

The V13 release will be on nuget soon.
