day-cohort-70 / shepherds-pie-stormy-monday

shepherds-pie-stormy-monday created by GitHub Classroom
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Create Orders page with new order button #5

Open lsand18 opened 7 months ago

lsand18 commented 7 months ago
  1. create a directory called "Orders"
  2. create a file under that folder called "OrderList.jsx"
  3. add 'OrderServices.jsx' to services for fetch calls
  4. Orders should display in a list with the order number displayed
  5. Orders items should link to and order view
  6. A button should be rendered at the top of the page called New Order and it should link to the new order form component
  7. if the current user is an admin, the order item should include the delivery employee name
  8. A filter bar should be rendered at the top of the page that filters by day

refer to TicketList.jsx in honey rae for an example

lsand18 commented 7 months ago

The below is complete.

create a directory called "Orders" create a file under that folder called "OrderList.jsx" add 'OrderServices.jsx' to services for fetch calls Orders should display in a list with the order number displayed Orders items should link to and order view A button should be rendered at the top of the page called New Order and it should link to the new order form component

creating separate issues for deliverer and date filter