day8 / re-com

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tag_dropdown confusion #241

Closed mike-thompson-day8 closed 3 years ago

mike-thompson-day8 commented 3 years ago

I just updated some of the docs for tag_dropdown and, in the process, I realised I really wasn't clear on :min-width and :max-width. And the existing Demo was not flexible enough to allow me to experiment and answer my own questions.


  1. Should :min-width just be called :width ?? I believe it represents the "natural width" the programmer chooses.
  2. What happens if no :min-width is supplied. What is the "natural width"? I couldn't check this because the demo doesn't have a tickbox for :min-width. Assuming this parameter remains optional, it probably should have a tickbox, so you can see what happens.
  3. If no :max-width is supplied what happens? Again, I couldn't check this via demo because of no tickbox. I kinda assume the "it-automatically-grows-to-this-size" feature would be turned off. But then I realised that there was another interpretation: perhaps it means that horizontal-growing-thing is turned off? Need to decide which and document.

Note: I left behind some XXX in the BOTH the Docs page and the Parameters definitions. Once the issues above are decided, please correct them.

superstructor commented 3 years ago

Resolved with demo of turning on/off min-width and max-width. Still need to resolve the documentation XXX.