day8 / re-com

A ClojureScript library of reusable components for Reagent
MIT License
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Restyle Components #284

Open superstructor opened 3 years ago

superstructor commented 3 years ago


Resolve all re-com styling issues.


The styling of re-com is currently a complex layer of:

This leads to issues including:




Replace all existing styling with Garden and Spade.

Order of Components

First we will do dropdown (i.e. medium complexity) then we will do datepicker (i.e. most complex) to immediately verify our working model is good.

Process For Each Component

1. State Chart Model

First, we need to understand the abstract model of all the possible states of a component in order to be able to implement a way to style those states.

Write a state chart in PlantUML and embed it in a GitHub Markdown file named after the component (e.g. src/re_com/datepicker.cljs would be docs/

E.g. for the dropdown component it might have a disabled? and an enabled? state, and in the enabled? state it might have states like open?, focused? etc which fundamentally impact the appearance of the component. Or in other words, what states exist that might need to have different styles or different classes associated with those states ?

Make a PR.

2. Parts Model

Second, we need to document all the possible parts (see 'Parts' at bottom of page) of a component.

Although the PlantUML component diagram is talking about a different type of component we could possibly use the 'Grouping Components' syntax as a rendering of part hierarchies. Otherwise, we could just represent it in pure Markdown. Either way, add to the Markdown file created in Step 1.

Make a PR.

3. Restyle Component

When the component is the same with unstyled? false as the existing styling, make a PR.

4. Expose Parts and State for Styling

Make a PR.

sunng87 commented 2 years ago

This sounds super promising. Is there any progress or opened pull request for this work?

superstructor commented 2 years ago

@sunng87 Thanks. @MawiraIke has done some initial proof of concept branches for a couple of components but we're still finalising the design prior to starting actual impl. @MawiraIke is funded to work on this after he has finished with some higher priority re-frame-10x issues.

BnMcGn commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm interested in using re-com with tailwind. It looks like you've all been busy with other things, so I've taken a peek at the code and I have a proposal:

Move all of the inline class and style data from the components to a central map structure stored in css.cljs file. Keys will be the name of the component. Values will mirror the structure of the 'parts' parameter.

Create a utility to merge the stored css settings with the user supplied :class, :style and :parts parameters.

Obviously the css has to, on occasion, respond to the state of the component. So the css structure will be able to contain functions as well as strings. The css merging utility will take a map of options to pass in when it finds a function in the structure. The function can then return the appropriate classes or styles based on the options.

Someone who wants to adapt re-com to tailwind or something similar should only need to swap out the central css storage structure.

Foreseen difficulties:

As a potential solution to #2 and #3 above, instead of a single central data structure, each component could declare its own default class/style structure much like is already done with -parts-desc and -args-desc.

To repurpose re-com for other css frameworks, you'll have to hunt down and override all of these *-css-desc declarations.

So before I start coding, am I missing anything obvious? I've only read through a few of the re-com source files. Are there any tricky corner cases that I might have missed and should know about before I jump in with both feet?