day8 / re-com

A ClojureScript library of reusable components for Reagent
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[figwheel "0.5.2"] Causes figwheel configuration error #96

Closed hipitihop closed 8 years ago

hipitihop commented 8 years ago
------- Figwheel Configuration Error -------

The key :test-commands has the wrong value. It should probably be a Map

  :cljsbuild {
    :test-commands nil
    ^ key :test-commands has wrong value

-- Docs for key :test-commands --
The keys in this map identify test commands. The values are sequences
representing shell commands like [command, arg1, arg2, ...]. Note that
the :stdout and :stderr options work here as well. Defaults to the
empty map.

Fine with figwheel "0.5.0-6"

Gregg8 commented 8 years ago

Fixed in