day8 / re-frame-10x

A debugging dashboard for re-frame. X-ray vision as tooling.
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Add a v-split between Event History panel and the tabs panel below #311

Closed Gregg8 closed 2 years ago

Gregg8 commented 3 years ago

Sometimes you need as much vertical space as you can get for viewing the path inspectors or the subs lists. In this case you don't want any space taken up by the Event History window.

But if you need to focus on events, there is currently only a small amount of vertical space to view those. This is made more impractical if you want to view the event data.

A v-split component between the two would solve these problems.

Optional: Given how much time rendering complex data structures can affect the performance of the app you're debugging, it would also be useful to have a checkbox which hides/shows the Event History panel.

MawiraIke commented 2 years ago

@superstructor this issue needs manual copying of re-com.core/v-split to re-frame-10x or finalization of component restyling in re-com. Should I proceed to copy the v-split (which will be overwritten later) or wait for those changes? I have added a toggle checkbox to show or hide the event history as suggested which leaves maximum space for app-db, subs etc when the event history is hidden.

superstructor commented 2 years ago

@MawiraIke please copy v-split to the inline copy of re-com included with re-frame-10x. As you well know, its not 'real' re-com, so make appropriate adjustments. In other words, I doubt it can be copied verbatim. Also, 10x has self-contained styles independent of the app/page (because real re-com could be running on the user's app). So you can't use the re-com styles, those need to be re-written to be contained ala the other existing components in 10x.