When using shadow-cljs and 10x the preload throws an error:
The map literal starting with :diff? contains 9 form(s). Map literals must contain an even number of forms.
in combination with
The above error occurred when loading "day8.re_frame_10x.preload.js". Any additional errors after that one may be the result of that failure. In general your code cannot be trusted to execute properly after such a failure. Make sure to fix the first one before looking at others.
10x Version
Reagent Version
React Version
re-frame Version
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
Firefox, Chrome
Relevant console output
Error: The map literal starting with :diff? contains 9 form(s). Map literals must contain an even number of forms.
at new cljs$core$ExceptionInfo (core.cljs:11623:11)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3] (core.cljs:11655:5)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2] (core.cljs:11653:16)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic] (errors.cljs:37:13)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic] (errors.cljs:43:4)
at Object.cljs$tools$reader$impl$errors$throw_odd_map [as throw_odd_map] (errors.cljs:71:4)
at cljs$tools$reader$edn$read_map (edn.cljs:199:8)
at Object.cljs$tools$reader$edn$read_delimited [as read_delimited] (edn.cljs:174:25)
at cljs$tools$reader$edn$read_map (edn.cljs:194:18)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4] (edn.cljs:409:34)
reportError @ base.js:1287
The above error occurred when loading "day8.re_frame_10x.preload.js". Any additional errors after that one may be the result of that failure. In general your code cannot be trusted to execute properly after such a failure. Make sure to fix the first one before looking at others.
reportError @ base.js:1291
What happened?
When using shadow-cljs and 10x the preload throws an error:
The map literal starting with :diff? contains 9 form(s). Map literals must contain an even number of forms.
in combination with
The above error occurred when loading "day8.re_frame_10x.preload.js". Any additional errors after that one may be the result of that failure. In general your code cannot be trusted to execute properly after such a failure. Make sure to fix the first one before looking at others.
10x Version
Reagent Version
React Version
re-frame Version
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
Firefox, Chrome
Relevant console output