Closed Kaffeleif closed 10 months ago
Last version where the pop-out works is 1.9.3
Hey @Kaffeleif, thanks for the report. This should now be fixed in 1.9.7. Let me know if there's any further breakage.
Thanks for the quick reply. It works perfectly now :)
Having upgraded to 1.9.7, I'm getting the following error now:
Resource: day8/re_frame_10x/navigation/views.cljs:395:34
392 | ;; When programming here, we need to be careful about which document and window
393 | ;; we are operating on, and keep in mind that the window can close without going
394 | ;; through standard react lifecycle, so we hook the beforeunload event.
395 | (let [shadow-root (tools.shadow-dom/shadow-root popup-document "--re-frame-10x--" (inline-resource "day8/re_frame_10x/style.css"))
Wrong number of args (3) passed to
396 | spade-container (spade.dom/create-container shadow-root)
397 | resize-update-scheduled? (atom false)
398 | handle-window-resize (fn [_]
399 | (when-not @resize-update-scheduled?
What happened?
When I press the pop-up button I get the following error:
Failed to set the 'adoptedStyleSheets' property on 'ShadowRoot': Sharing constructed stylesheets in multiple documents is not allowed
It seems to fail on line 6 in shadow_dom.cljs
(set! (.-adoptedStyleSheets shadow-root) (js/Array. stylesheet))))
Factory Reset
10x Version
Reagent Version
React Version
re-frame Version
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
No response
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