day8 / re-frame-10x

A debugging dashboard for re-frame. X-ray vision as tooling.
MIT License
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[Bug]: build warning after 1.9.7 update #411

Closed olvn closed 5 months ago

olvn commented 5 months ago

What happened?

just upgraded to 1.9.7 and it now outputs the following warning on build:

 Resource: day8/re_frame_10x/navigation/views.cljs:395:34
 392 |   ;; When programming here, we need to be careful about which document and window
 393 |   ;; we are operating on, and keep in mind that the window can close without going
 394 |   ;; through standard react lifecycle, so we hook the beforeunload event.
 395 |   (let [shadow-root              (tools.shadow-dom/shadow-root popup-document "--re-frame-10x--" (inline-resource "day8/re_frame_10x/style.css"))
 Wrong number of args (3) passed to
 396 |         spade-container          (spade.dom/create-container shadow-root)
 397 |         resize-update-scheduled? (atom false)
 398 |         handle-window-resize     (fn [_]
 399 |                                    (when-not @resize-update-scheduled?

it appears another user has also encountered this (see comment here: i'm using shadow-cljs, if that helps.

thanks for all of your hard work! i <3 re-frame-10x

Factory Reset

10x Version


Reagent Version


React Version


re-frame Version


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge

Relevant console output

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