day8 / re-frame-debux

A fork of debux for tracing re-frame code (for eventual consumption by re-frame-10x)
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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`:ns-aliases` for shadow-cljs does not work #33

Closed nimaai closed 4 years ago

nimaai commented 4 years ago


I am using:

:release {:build-options

as instructed in the readme, but it does not work.

When making a shadow-cljs release I get an error: The required namespace "" is not available. for a file where I use the tracing macros like (:require [ :refer-macros [fn-traced]]).

Any help would be appreciated.


superstructor commented 4 years ago

I can see in the link to shadow-cljs.edn you provided it is depending on version 0.5.3 but support for :ns-aliases requires at least 0.5.5.

Please try a later version and re-open or create a new issue if you still have an error.

Also to help other people from hitting this in future I have updated the README section on :ns-aliases to make the version requirement clear.