day8 / re-frame

A ClojureScript framework for building user interfaces, leveraging React
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[Bug]: Multiple usage of the same standard interceptor creator in global doesn't work #775

Closed joshcho closed 10 months ago

joshcho commented 1 year ago

What happened?

Using rf/on-changes multiple times and registering them via rf/reg-global-interceptor does not work.

So something like:

(rf/reg-global-interceptor (rf/on-changes + [:c] [:a] [:b]))
(rf/reg-global-interceptor (rf/on-changes identity [:d] [:c]))

will not work. I believe this is because rf/on-changes creates interceptors with the same id.



What runtimes are you seeing the problem on?


Relevant console output

No response

joshcho commented 1 year ago

The workaround I am using at the moment is specifying the id like so:

(defn my-on-changes
  [interceptor-id & rest]
  (assoc (apply rf/on-changes rest)
         :id interceptor-id))

It also seems like with this method, the interceptors are applied in reverse order.

kimo-k commented 10 months ago

Hey @joshcho, interesting problem.

I considered changing the :id to include a hash of the args, but I think this would interfere with the simplicity of the library. Not all names in std-interceptors are factories, some are values. It's not so nice to have to hold onto an auto-generated id if you want to clear the interceptor later, or select it somehow. Dealing with extra arities or option maps for the id isn't so nice either.

While it would be nice if this just worked, I think it's okay to consider your use-case non-standard. I added some documentation for it.

If you'd like the ergonomics in your first example, consider:

(defn my-on-changes [& args]
  (-> (apply rf/on-changes args)
      (update :id #(keyword (str (name %) "__" (hash args))))))