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blog/20160728/unse-fail/ #48

Open daya0576 opened 2 years ago

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

What to do after failing a course at UNSW(Especially for the IT 8543)

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: Davidson
日期: 2016-12-03 17:22:51

Hello Henry, does option 1 mean I can take any available course in summer term to substitute a COMP for next semester? Even it isn't in cse (elective) course list(e.g. CHEM 9999)? And would there be any requirement, such as WAM, for overloading? Look forward to you reply. Cheers~

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: 大牙0576
日期: 2016-12-04 13:46:22

Hi Davidson,

1. Yes, it depends on ur program. Master of IT have one free elective, it means u can take any available **pg** course to substitute a COMP.
2. For the overloading, I think there is WAM requirement, but u can talk with student office for further info, the requirement is kind flexible.

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: Davidson
日期: 2016-12-04 14:25:24

Hi Henry,
Thanks a lot for you reply. Then I guess I can start my first and last summer course tomorrow.

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: 大牙0576
日期: 2016-12-04 14:43:11

No worries, good luck XD