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blog/20160731/comp6714-information-retrieval-and-web-search-2016s2/ #77

Open daya0576 opened 2 years ago

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

Henry's Feedback of UNSW COMP6714 16s2

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: 李力
日期: 2016-08-12 19:34:05


daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: 大牙0576
日期: 2016-08-13 14:35:52


daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: duckymate
日期: 2016-11-09 16:01:00

wei wang 的课主要问题是references几乎没处找,有很多他夹带的私货。如果没紧跟他上课内容的话,虽然知识简单,但自学要抓狂。

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: 大牙0576
日期: 2016-11-09 17:03:06

haha 还好吧, 内容都是一些课本上的东西, 有些slides下边也有reference.
我觉得最大的问题还是上课思路还是不够清晰, 有时候他讲的太着急了, 一些东西可以讲的更清楚一点的.

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: cyprus
日期: 2017-07-17 01:39:46

Hi Henry, your blog had great information about the course and was very helpful ! Thanks for replying to my mail.

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: Mark Ma
日期: 2017-08-07 01:07:08

请问一下 11年 那个past paper还在么? 怎么找不到啦 感谢楼主分享, 祝一切顺利~

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

日期: 2017-08-07 15:43:35

google一下吧, 老王不让我发的.

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: Mark Ma
日期: 2017-08-07 23:47:12

谷歌不到啊。。。 好像都给拿了。 拜托了,我不会给别人的, 我整个一年都是自己学习。。从来没有分享过什么东西,您都已经工作了,又不在澳洲。拜托🙏

daya0576 commented 2 years ago

作者: Chi Xu @chi_xu
日期: 2017-08-13 05:31:48

Hi, cyprus, because Henry m8t be busy at this moment, I didn't receive his replying mail. I am wondering if u can kindly email a copy of his replying mail would be really grateful. My email address is