daybrush / guides

A Guides component that can draw ruler and manage guidelines.
MIT License
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Describe specific value infromation #1

Open hg-pyun opened 4 years ago

hg-pyun commented 4 years ago

Theguides is coooool and very useful!
I have a small wish. I want to change the unit of the rule, but I don't know which props to change. Would you describe the props more specific please?

export interface GuidesProps {
    type?: "horizontal" | "vertical";
    width?: number;
    height?: number;
    unit?: number;   <-- maybe this?
    zoom?: number;
    style?: IObject<any>;
    backgroundColor?: string;
    lineColor?: string;
    setGuides?: (guides: number[]) => any;
    rulerStyle?: IObject<any>;

Thank you!

daybrush commented 4 years ago


unit is the scale unit shown on the screen. (default: 50) 0, 50, 100, 150, 200

I haven't added jsdoc yet. It will be added soon.

Thank you :)