daybrush / guides

A Guides component that can draw ruler and manage guidelines.
MIT License
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Ability to see position without moving guides #45

Open nitin-1926 opened 3 years ago

nitin-1926 commented 3 years ago

Environments Framework name: React Framework version: 17.0.1 Component name: @scena/react-guides Component version: 0.15.1 Testable Address(optional):

Description Hey @daybrush, this is a really cool library. I had one small request. Is there a way that we can see the position of the guide while we are not moving it? Like when we drag the guide, we can see the position by adding this prop displayDragPos={true}. But it only works when I am moving the guide. Is there a option to always see the position of the guide irrespective of the fact that it's moving or not?


daybrush commented 2 years ago

guides' new version is released.

displayDragPos prop is added.