daytonaio / docs

Official Documentation for Daytona
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Brew #46

Closed ivan-burazin closed 3 weeks ago

ivan-burazin commented 1 month ago

@idagelic can we get? brew install daytona so @osslate can update this everywhere?

idagelic commented 1 month ago

@idagelic can we get? brew install daytona so @osslate can update this everywhere?

@ivan-burazin please check Slack for this matter

ivan-burazin commented 1 month ago

brew install daytona

ivan-burazin commented 1 month ago

@idagelic brew install daytona/tap/daytonaio ? or some other shortener?

idagelic commented 1 month ago

@ivan-burazin Can't get it shorter than that right now - until we resolve the issue stopping us from getting brew install daytona

Splitting it to two commands is an option: brew tap daytonaio/daytona brew install daytona It's not really better for a "quick start", but a positive side is that you have then already "tapped" our repository and in the future brew upgrade daytona can be used to upgrade instead of needing to write brew upgrade daytonaio/daytona/daytona

osslate commented 1 month ago

@idagelic which is standard when it comes to brew? I can update the instructions in the installation guide if splitting in two is the "better" option.

Ideally since the docs are versioned, we should be instructing users to install the specific version of Daytona. Not sure if that's possible with brew; it's also a bit tricky with Nix.

idagelic commented 1 month ago

@osslate Afaic we can keep it simply brew install daytonaio/daytona/daytona if someone wants to use brew. There is currently no versioning even though that is possible within brew - we can document that when/if we switch to the official homebrew tap.

ivan-burazin commented 1 month ago

What is the issues with TAP?

idagelic commented 1 month ago

I don't understand your question

ivan-burazin commented 1 month ago

why cant it be brew install daytonaio/tap/daytona instead of brew install daytonaio/daytona/daytona

osslate commented 1 month ago

As far as I understand, for illustration:

How it currently works:

And with the command you suggested:

Because of how Homebrew works, it seems common practice to name repositories and formulas in the standard homebrew-<NAME> way. See the list of "interesting taps" on Homebrew's docs. You can see repos are in this format, e.g. homebrew-ffmpeg => brew install homebrew-ffmpeg/ffmpeg/ffmpeg

idagelic commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the explanation @osslate

@ivan-burazin Yes, if we change the repository name from "homebrew-daytona" to "homebrew-tap", brew install daytonaio/tap/daytona would be possible. I didn't think of changing the repo name like that as I haven't seen anyone else do it - the part after "homebrew-" is usually the same as the app name in instances like ours where there is only one relevant package.

I just tried out this shortest option on my private acc: brew install idagelic/d/daytona and it works. Still, I don't know if I would go for this setup as it is not the standard

osslate commented 1 month ago

I'd opt to keep it as-is since it complies with Homebrew's standard. I'd also argue against changing the name as it'll break upgrades for people who've already done brew tap daytonaio/daytona, as the repository location will have changed.

This discussion is out of scope for docs though; @ivan-burazin if you believe it should be changed, I suggest opening an issue in either or If it changes, we can update the docs.

From a docs perspective, do we want to keep the installation command as

brew install daytonaio/daytona/daytona

or split it in 2 and add upgrade instructions? i.e.

brew tap daytonaio/daytona
brew install daytona
ivan-burazin commented 1 month ago

brew tap daytonaio/daytona brew install daytona

Is fine but would like to shorten the brew install daytonaio/daytona/daytona - > brew install daytonaio/tap/daytona if there are no hard arguments against.

Lmk and will open a new issue on Daytona. thanks

idagelic commented 1 month ago

@ivan-burazin No problem, please open up an issue and add a "discussion" tag

idagelic commented 1 month ago

v0.18.0+ now live on brew install daytonaio/tap/daytona Let me know if everything works correctly and I will close the issue.

Btw, you might have to run brew uninstall daytonaio/daytona/daytona first