dazedcat19 / FMD2

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[bug-website module] bato.to downloads are empty or fail #1487

Open quixotic120 opened 2 weeks ago

quixotic120 commented 2 weeks ago


System information

docker VNC image running on unraid

Describe the bug

when downloading a chapter it fails. it creates a folder structure that looks correct (e.g. folders for each chapter with correct name) but images never download and cbz files are never created.

happens with every series i've tried

app version revision 5625 not sure how to check module version but last updated 6/12/2024 (reinstalled the docker 2 days ago and updated modules)

i don't believe it's a temporary server issue because I am able to still rip the chapters with hakuneko


Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 5 31 05 PM

example of one page source that didnt work: https://bato.to/chapter/1268500 (page source was too long for pasting, hope thats okay)

Slasar41 commented 1 week ago

Works fine on my end. image

quixotic120 commented 1 week ago
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 3 03 09 PM

it must be an issue with the docker/vnc then bc it's still failing on my end. some more logs from attempting more chapters and the same hxh chapter just in case that helps. for what its worth other modules are working fine, only bato seems to have this issue although to be fair I have not tested them all of course

Slasar41 commented 1 week ago

Open lua\modules\Batoto.lua and put HTTP.Document.SaveToFile("batoto.html") to line 81 and then try to download a chapter. There should be batoto.html in FMD root folder, upload it here.

quixotic120 commented 1 week ago

added this but it won't write the file. log says access denied. unsure why, permissions should be okay but apparently I am incorrect there. and I apologize - apparently this is a known issue for the docker image for some time https://github.com/Banh-Canh/docker-FMD2/issues/10 . the lua is clearly fine and the problem is with that setup