dazinator / AspNetSolutionUpgradeTool

A utility that can be used to upgrade an ASP.NET 5 RC1 or RC2 based solution to ASP.NET Core 1.0.0 RTM.
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Changing the xproj File #7

Closed dazinator closed 8 years ago

dazinator commented 8 years ago

Should check for an .xproj file alongside the project.json file, and if found, the following changes should be made:

The xproj file has reference to the older RC1 tools, so you’ll need to edit it and change it manually. Find and replace the following strings in it:

\DNX\Microsoft.DNX.Props –> \DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.Props
\DNX\Microsoft.DNX.targets –> \DotNet.Web\Microsoft.DotNet.Web.targets

Note for non web projects:

\DNX\Microsoft.DNX.Props –> \DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.Props
\DNX\Microsoft.DNX.targets –> \DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.targets

You’ll also want to change the BaseIntermediateOutputPath to:

<BaseIntermediateOutputPath Condition="'$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)'=='' ">.\obj</BaseIntermediateOutputPath>

Finally, add target framework just after the OutputPath:

<OutputPath Condition="'$(OutputPath)'=='' ">.\bin\</OutputPath>