dazinator / CrmAdo

An ADO.NET Provider for Dynamics Crm
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NuGet package - added connection string should have invariant name #37

Closed dazinator closed 9 years ago

dazinator commented 9 years ago

The CrmAdo NuGet package adds a connection string to your app / web.config as well as the DbProviderFactory - however the connection string should ideally have a providername equal to the invariant name of the DbProviderFactory.

So it adds this:

 <add name="CrmOrganisation" connectionString="Url=https://someorg.crm4.dynamics.com/; Username=someuser@someorg.onmicrosoft.com; Password=somepassword; DeviceID=some-deviceid; DevicePassword=somepassword"/>

But should be this:

 <add name="CrmOrganisation" connectionString="Url=https://someorg.crm4.dynamics.com/; Username=someuser@someorg.onmicrosoft.com; Password=somepassword; DeviceID=some-deviceid; DevicePassword=somepassword" providerName="System.Data.DynamicsCrm.CrmAdo"/>