dazinator / CrmAdo

An ADO.NET Provider for Dynamics Crm
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Implement a CRM Metadata object model (Some technical debt) #45

Closed dazinator closed 9 years ago

dazinator commented 9 years ago

I am finding more and more that using the Xrm metadata classes directly falls short, especially in DDEX scenarios. This is hampering my ability to add new features more easily.

To solve this, I am going to implement my own crm metadata object model, and use the factory pattern to create metadata classes at runtime.

The benefit of having my own object model for CRM metadata is that I can add support for things that I need that CRM doesn't support - for example "Pseudo" attributes, or SQL "Length, Precision, Scale, DataType" properties very easily.

Once I take care of this technical debt, this will make things more consistent, and help me to add features more easily in the future.