dazinator / Xamarin.TestyDroid

TestyDroid is a small command line tool, to handle running your unit tests on an android device during CI builds.
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Detect existing emulator using same port and allow re-use #19

Closed dazinator closed 9 years ago

dazinator commented 9 years ago

At the moment, testydroid will always launch a new instance of an emulator and then attempt to kill it afterwards.

This feature will add additional arguments to the command line something that when present, TestyDroid will look for an emulator that's already running on the same port - if it finds one it will re-use that emulator. If it doesn't find one, then it will behave like normal and spin a new one up.

This feature is necessary as due a bug on windows - the emulator is very tricky to kill via the command line and can sometimes be left running after TestyDroid.exe has finished - usually if it has been unable to issue a kill command for some reason.

This feature would allow a basic recovery from that scenario as should an emulator get left running, atleast future runs will be able to re-use it rather than erroring.

Arguments would be added to control whether TestyDroid.exe

Perhaps something like