dazoe / ed25519

An Ed25519 implementation for node.js
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Windows Build Issue due to OpenSSL Library Name Change #18

Closed jvmahon closed 6 years ago

jvmahon commented 6 years ago

In Windows, you get an install error if you are installing on a system with OpenSSL Version 1.1 or later installed. The problem is that OpenSSL has changed the name of a library file. I believe this can be fixed in the bindings.gyp file by changing line 88 from: '-l<(openssl_root)/lib/libeay32.lib', to: '-l<(openssl_root)/lib/libcrypto.lib', Or perhaps by having a test to check which of these libraries (if any) are installed and then select the installed one.

Is it necessary to even explicitly include this library? ed25519 seems to compile / install even if this is commented out.

ldjking commented 6 years ago

Did you build successully? I hava tried sevral weeks!

错误 LNK2019 无法解析的外部符号 "declspec(dllimport) public: static class v8::Local cdecl v8::FunctionTemplate::New(class v8::Isolate ,void (__cdecl)(class v8::FunctionCallbackInfo const &),class v8::Local,class v8::Local,int,enum v8::ConstructorBehavior)" (_imp?New@FunctionTemplate@v8@@SA?AV?$Local@VFunctionTemplate@v8@@@2@PEAVIsolate@2@P6AXAEBV?$FunctionCallbackInfo@VValue@v8@@@2@@ZV?$Local@VValue@v8@@@2@V?$Local@VSignature@v8@@@2@HW4ConstructorBehavior@2@@Z),该符号在函数 "public: static class v8::Local cdecl Nan::imp::Factory::New(void (cdecl*)(class Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo const &),class v8::Local,class v8::Local)"

jvmahon commented 6 years ago

No. You must use OpenSSL 1.0 and cannot use the 1.1 versions.

erikmav commented 5 years ago

See #20