dazzz1er / confer

Easy real-time chat for laravel 5 based websites and applications
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help wanted #10

Open nirmal2dots opened 9 years ago

nirmal2dots commented 9 years ago

Hi, how to differentiate the online user and offline user? please explain..

for mine automatically calling session request not working


dazzz1er commented 9 years ago


When you are looking at the list of users (accessed via the little man looking icon at the bottom right), the online users are at the top and the offline users are in a separate section just below.

I'm sorry I'm not sure what you mean by automatically calling session request?

If you can provide more info I can try and find a solution for you :)


nirmal2dots commented 9 years ago

thanks for reply, i checked with localhost 2 different browser with different login.

but its display login user only [ There are no users online (apart from you!) ]. this message show 2 browsers are same. list of online user not shown,

i want to know and display online user same as confer.work/demo. and how its work? i type message from one session, and another session yet not get the message..

for mine message send request working well, but message receiver request not working

how to make private chat between users?

Please help me to solve the issue..

dazzz1er commented 9 years ago

I see, so with two different browsers (say Safari and Chrome), you only see one user online and not the other?

Which queue driver are you using with your laravel installation? The message is pushed via queue so it may be that your queue is not being run. Have you tried running php artisan queue:work to see if the message is delivered?

To make a private chat between users, you click on the user in the user list screen (where you can see online and offline users). You can start a chat with an online or offline user, and the chat that opens when you click on that user is private.

The repository at https://github.com/dazzz1er/confer-demo is the exact configuration I use for the confer.work site, you just need to provide a .env file and provide database/queue driver details.