db-migrate / node-db-migrate

Database migration framework for node
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Argv bug when running createDatabase using the Programmable API as part of a Jest test run #796

Open mmajkafmp opened 1 year ago

mmajkafmp commented 1 year ago

I'm submitting a...

Current behavior

When running the following command (which runs some tests that create a DB in docker container):

yarn test some/test/file.spec.js

The DB created is actually called some/test/file.spec.js rather than the desired name, e.g. random-uuid.

Then you run all the Jest tests with yarn test it all works fine.

The code responsible: https://github.com/db-migrate/node-db-migrate/blob/master/lib/commands/db.js#L10 (it gets the first argument which gets populated by a combination of rc, minimist and yargs deep in the dependency tree (exactly here: https://github.com/db-migrate/node-db-migrate/blob/master/lib/commands/set-default-argv.js#L133)

Expected behavior

The desired random DB name should be used.

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

Create a Jest test spec file and a npm script that will run it. You can use npm or yarn.

Use the node-db-migrate Programmable API (https://db-migrate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/API/programable/#createdatabasedbname-callback) createDatabase function to create a new DB in the test.

Run the script WITH the file name as an argument.

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?

Sometimes you need to run a specific test spec file rather than an entire test suite.


db-migrate version: 0.11.13
plugins with versions: 1.2.2 (db-migrate-pg)

Additional information:
- Node version: v16.14.0
- Platform:  Mac, Linux, Windows


Temporary fix: run `process.argv.slice(2)` in your code before running the `createDatabase` API function. That solves the problem in a very hacky way.