db-ui / mono

DB UX Design System Monorepo - Provides Design Tokens and components for Web UIs
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db-input: HTML validation is supersedes data-variant #2471

Closed annsch closed 1 month ago

annsch commented 1 month ago

Which generators are impacted?

Reproduction case

We're using react-hook-forms and Zod for validation and schema and do not like to duplicate validations for form elements (e.g. ). Currently HTML validation is more important than our custom validation: elements with data-variant="critical" are displayed as valid when simple HTML validation returns true:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-08 um 12 53 18 Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-08 um 12 43 46 Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-08 um 12 43 08

Expected Behaviour

data-variant prop should overwrite HTML validation via :user-valid


No response

Browser version


Add any other context about the problem here.

No response

annsch commented 1 month ago

@mfranzke this could be our preferred solution if HTML supported complex business logic. This example is only for demonstration purpose. We have to build complex validation logic which isn't done by only setting min- and maxLength ... e.g. denpndency between two ore more form fields

mfranzke commented 1 month ago

@mfranzke this could be our preferred solution if HTML supported complex business logic. This example is only for demonstration purpose. We have to build complex validation logic which isn't done by only setting min- and maxLength ... e.g. denpndency between two ore more form fields

Complex regarding providing a pattern? Or doing some other fancy stuff, and than only wanting to define a valid or invalid on that form field?

annsch commented 1 month ago

@mfranzke this could be our preferred solution if HTML supported complex business logic. This example is only for demonstration purpose. We have to build complex validation logic which isn't done by only setting min- and maxLength ... e.g. denpndency between two ore more form fields

Complex regarding providing a pattern? Or doing some other fancy stuff, and than only wanting to define a valid or invalid on that form field?

the latter ...

mfranzke commented 1 month ago

have you tried using the semantic invalid property for this instead of using the pure visual variant? We need to better document this one.

annsch commented 1 month ago

no, I haven't, is this the preferred solution?

mfranzke commented 1 month ago

no, I haven't, is this the preferred solution?

yes, I would suggest that one, as it includes both the visual as well as the semantic annotation (aria-invalid="true"-attribute).

mfranzke commented 1 month ago

And we need to further update our documentation and make these things much clearer (with our naming of those aspects as well).

nmerget commented 1 month ago

@annsch we will remove the data-variants from form-components for beta.

Furthermore, we will provide only the invalid and valid forms which can be triggered by browser defaults like required|minlength etc., or by forcing the validation with the invalid prop.