db-ui / mono

DB UX Design System Monorepo - Provides Design Tokens and components for Web UIs
Apache License 2.0
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DBTag: provide overflow (tbd.) #2734

Open annsch opened 1 week ago

annsch commented 1 week ago

Which generators are impacted?

Reproduction case

DBTag component can be displayed smaller than its containing text. In this case the inner text should not overflow outside of its parent div. Could you enable overflow: hidden or inherit for this component?

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-10 um 14 09 42

Expected Behaviour

Text should not overflow outside when using DBTag

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-10 um 14 11 04


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Browser version


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mfranzke commented 1 week ago

@annsch thanks for your feedback. What's the use case for text being cropped in this case? It seems like that with some short words or phrases like these, even ellipsis wouldn't work, so it would be a bad UX for anybody (except screenreader, somehow).

annsch commented 1 week ago

@mfranzke We use the DBTag on a Timeline Component. This component's size is measured by the current zoom and so it can be downscaled on its y-axis...