db-ui / mono

DB UX Design System Monorepo - Provides Design Tokens and components for Web UIs
Apache License 2.0
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General use of components: use composition over configuration for components #2746

Closed annsch closed 4 days ago

annsch commented 4 days ago

Which generators are impacted?

Reproduction case

@db-ui often uses configuration over composition when consuming components by JS/TS Framewors like React, Angular or Vue. For example DBTooltip: the content is provided by prop "content". This is very restrictive, e.g. displaying custom HTML content in Tooltip components is not provided. For our application we need to display more than just text in a Tooltip, is it possible to discuss this behaviour in general? We'd prefer a more flexible use of this components by providing a component DOM tree like e.g. mantine is doing this: https://mantine.dev/core/popover/

Expected Behaviour

Enable composition over configuration for components


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Browser version


Add any other context about the problem here.

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mfranzke commented 4 days ago

@annsch thanks a lot for your feedback. We're actually providing the exact same component that Mantine does, even with the same separation and naming like Mantine does: https://db-ui.github.io/mono/review/main/components/utilities/popover/overview

annsch commented 4 days ago

omg, how did I miss this <3

mfranzke commented 4 days ago

omg, how did I miss this <3

by us not documenting it enough.