db0 / Doomtown-for-OCTGN

The Game Definition for Doomtown's OCTGN plugin
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Automatic pull when Harrowed dudes are aced. #1

Open db0 opened 12 years ago

db0 commented 12 years ago

A pop-up when harrowed dudes are aced which asks you if you want to do an automatic harrowed pull or send the dude directly to boot hill. If an automatic harrowed pull is chosen, then the game will pull from the opponent's deck (the one who aced the dude), compare the pull with the value, and send the dude to the appropriate location. Not sure how to determine who should do the pull though. Another dialogue? If so, it might be simpler to just keep it as it is.

Question is: How do I make my own action know which opponent aced the dude, in order to pull from the deck? An idea is to use the new global variables somehow, but what would trigger them being filled in when the opponent cannot act on cards they do not control? Another would be to ask the player with another confirm window, but this would need some kind of (see kellyelton/OCTGN#22) first, and that might still be more bother than doing everything manually.

db0 commented 12 years ago

Just opened feature request kellyelton/OCTGN#143 which would allow this