db0 / hypnagonia

Therapy through Nightmares
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Enemy Gimmicks #88

Open db0 opened 2 years ago

db0 commented 2 years ago

Listing gimmicks for enemies here so i can check them out as I implement them

DioBal commented 2 years ago
simply-peachy commented 2 years ago

Surreality suggestions: I find this boss easy because debuffs on it don't get cleaned and it doesn't have enough tricks. To go with the "surreal" theme:

IceTyp commented 2 years ago
SkylarkHYP commented 2 years ago
SkylarkHYP commented 2 years ago
SkylarkHYP commented 2 years ago
SkylarkHYP commented 2 years ago
SkylarkHYP commented 2 years ago

This is a continuity of the confusement park elite, as well as the subconcious marketplace

Abstract Mechanics: Disappear: Immune to interpretation, debuff and buff stacks are frozen in time, has no intents. Will not disappear if there is no other torment. Reappear: Reappears with same [health], and effects. Automatically reappears when it is the last torment. Abstract X: This torment will fade in-and out of the encounter after X turns, and will reappear in X turns. Scrutiny: set focus to a random amount between 0-10 after reappearing Reatomized: When reappearing relax for 5 Vanish: Disappear in 1 turn, reappear in 1-3 turns Frightening: Gain 10 perplexity when reappearing No Spawn-kill: Gain 3 untouchable when reappearing. Locked: A card that is locked is stuck inside a perturbation that needs to be releasd for it to be freed.

Example: Elite torment suggestion Eyes in the dark: Every time they blinked, I prayed they would go away. I could see yellow eyes glaring at me in the dark. What have I done now? What did they want? Act: 2 or 3 Description: Two sepearate and identical eyes that like to fade in and out of the encounter interchangeably. Has sppoky intents that will refresh the meta. They will "lock" your cards in dread, steal closure, make you doubt your plays, or disappear and do moderate damage, or give you "that look"!. Starting effects: Abstract 2, scrutiny, inscrutable 5 Move pattern random 5!: (both eyes cannot close though) Searing Leer: Deal 15 stress., if the dreamer plays an action card on this torment, apply 5 doubt
The dirty lock: Temporarily lock a card in your hand with dread. It is not played when dread is released. Glowing Gaze: If an action card is not played this turn, burn 5 relaeased closure. Always watching: If the dreamer plays an action card, apply 3 doubt to the dreamer Eye roll: If this receives interpretation, disappear if possible, and gain (I already have the art for it lol)

SkylarkHYP commented 2 years ago
  • [ ] Gains ability to add an easy temporary Perturbation to your deck whenever the dreamer plays a non-action card

The dark forest:

I remember fighting my way through a jungle grown from the aftermath of my own sweat and tears. I knew I had to act quickly before the overgrowth got out of hand.

Mechanics involved: Fuse: Similar torments fuse to become more powerful The problem at hand: Add 1 dread when you play a non-action card Better not seen: Add 1 discombobulation when you play a control card, add 1 terror when you play a concentration Bloom X: Does something terrible after X turns if not overcome.

Base torment: The screaming tree. Summons: Root of problems, Strangling vine, Vice flower

Grows 2 root every turn: that ints. for 3 every turn and have 5 [health], as well as "the problem at hand" buff. After 3 roots are in the encounter: merge all roots into a tangling vine which give the dreamer shaken, and deal 7 int. has 20 [health] and has "better not seen", tree also grows a vine very turn now. After 3 vines in the encounter: merge all roots into a flower, which becomes a vice flower which has 75 [health] and bloom 3 Tree grows a vine and a root now. extra vines will not merge. When flower bloomed: scar 3 random action cards. When flower bloomed: Tree overcomes itself. When overcome: enhance the last action card used on it.

db0 commented 2 years ago

@SkylarkHYP I like your ideas, but these are seriously hard to pull off! Try to also provide some ideas that reuse existing mechanics in interesting ways.

IceTyp commented 2 years ago