dbanet / tws

The Wheat Snooper
9 stars 0 forks source link

The Program consumes too much CPU time. May be very undesirable on slow PCs, causing in-game lags. #37

Open dbanet opened 10 years ago

dbanet commented 10 years ago

I will try using a profiler on Windows to determine what part of the code exactly is so CPU-heavy.

I've chosen to use AutomatedQA AQTime profiling software guided by this quite useful article.

dbanet commented 10 years ago

I really love this program, works flawlessly, looks awesome! Maybe too windowsy tho.

I didn't get relevant results tho yet. I think the subject problem appears most notably when there is a lot of activity on the channel/wormnet. Right now it's not the case. According to WormNET statistics, maximum activity is reached at 19:00, coordinated, so I will start profiling roughly at 18:30, leave it working, and stop it at 19:30.

Then I hope it would clarify the situation.

dbanet commented 10 years ago

Okay, here are the results, tab-separated values:

Routine Name    Time    Time with Children  Shared Time Hit Count
main    507.48  715.10  70.97   1
operator << 42.09   99.82   42.16   3471359
QString::QString    19.82   36.14   54.84   17972174
chatHandler::appendGarbage  14.89   15.38   96.77   781
QString::~QString   13.98   22.26   62.80   19309117
safeusergarbage 12.10   132.70  9.12    70
QBasicAtomicInt::ref    11.26   11.26   100.00  18462455
QBasicAtomicInt::deref  8.32    8.32    100.00  19459826
qt_noop 6.88    6.88    100.00  23019630
const ChanUserModel::data   6.02    17.47   34.47   3878439
const QList<usermessage>::at    5.22    9.35    55.82   3471359
operator <<<usermessage>    4.54    118.84  3.82    213464
chatHandler::append 3.73    19.21   19.40   897
const ChanUserModel::index  2.91    7.02    41.51   4241005
const QList<usermessage>::size  2.88    4.89    58.82   3900092
const usermessage::user 2.78    10.05   27.64   3477876
const usermessage::receiver 2.61    10.38   25.11   3476084
const usermessage::time 2.56    11.05   23.16   3472140
const usermessage::msg  2.38    8.61    27.66   3472488
const QModelIndex::isValid  2.05    2.05    100.00  8397236
const QListData::size   2.04    2.04    100.00  3999478
const QAbstractItemModel::createIndex   1.99    3.10    64.20   4374888
const QListData::at 1.87    1.87    100.00  4259485
clantowebpagemapper::refresh    1.73    1.73    100.00  1
const usermessage::type 1.42    1.42    100.00  3471359
QVariant::QVariant  1.41    2.19    64.46   3144979
QList<usermessage>::Node::t 1.35    1.35    100.00  3471359
leagueserverhandler::refreshFinished    1.24    1.84    67.64   1200
QModelIndex::QModelIndex    1.11    1.11    100.00  4374888
userstruct::userstruct  1.01    5.97    16.95   422840
userstruct::~userstruct 1.01    3.96    25.49   423658
ircnet::tcpread 0.88    36.33   2.43    861
pictureHandler::getFlag 0.88    2.24    39.30   87329
database_base::sethash  0.87    0.89    97.81   5
operator <<<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>  0.86    120.60  0.71    70
operator >> 0.83    0.83    100.00  49253
soundHandler::soundHandler  0.83    0.83    100.00  1
const QModelIndex::row  0.82    0.82    100.00  3983127
leagueserverhandler::refresh    0.79    0.83    95.32   1200
QVariant::Private::Private  0.78    0.78    100.00  3144979
const QList<userstruct>::at 0.72    1.27    56.80   602158
const QModelIndex::column   0.68    0.68    100.00  3983127
channelTab::setUsers    0.68    6.04    11.19   1177
operator |  0.45    0.91    49.24   530207
serverTab::gotUserList  0.43    7.31    5.95    2357
snoppanet::readgamelist 0.39    1.45    27.09   9591
ChanUserModel::usersChanged 0.34    0.37    91.37   3534
const QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::findNode   0.31    0.40    76.96   226904
pictureHandler::pictureHandler  0.31    0.32    95.64   1
const QHash<char, ::QChar>::findNode    0.30    0.43    67.94   258376
QString::QString    0.29    0.53    55.69   392678
const QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::findNode    0.29    0.52    55.50   190622
QList<userstruct>::Node::t  0.29    0.29    100.00  1004145
const ChanUserModel::getRank    0.28    1.24    22.28   85741
QDataStream::operator <<    0.27    0.27    100.00  213536
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::const_iterator::operator --   0.27    0.27    100.00  213464
const QTextCodec::toUnicode 0.26    0.26    100.00  154448
QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>::QFlags   0.25    0.25    100.00  1060419
qStringComparisonHelper 0.25    0.32    77.94   275293
operator |  0.24    0.49    48.72   258515
const ChanUserModel::getClan    0.23    1.08    20.91   86350
const QList<userstruct>::const_iterator::operator &U    0.22    0.31    71.13   324491
usermessage::~usermessage   0.22    1.17    18.80   109204
const QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>::operator | 0.21    0.32    65.50   530209
usermessage::usermessage    0.20    0.86    22.83   59052
QHashNode<QString, QPixmap*>::same_key  0.20    0.20    100.00  306107
const WA_textcodec1252::convertToUnicode    0.20    1.53    12.74   10452
const QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::const_iterator::value   0.19    0.31    62.97   213464
const QBasicAtomicInt::operator !=  0.19    0.19    100.00  626784
const HostModel::data   0.19    0.53    35.89   104688
leagueserverhandler::map_at_toString    0.19    0.87    21.36   172091
QList<usermessage>::node_construct  0.18    0.99    18.31   50152
QList<userstruct>::node_construct   0.18    1.35    13.22   98349
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::concrete  0.18    0.18    100.00  429989
const ChanUserModel::flags  0.17    0.64    26.03   252899
snoppanet::hosttimertimeout 0.16    0.17    95.14   137
QList<usermessage>::node_destruct   0.16    0.71    22.76   3068
QList<QString>::operator [] 0.16    0.31    50.85   102988
userstruct::~userstruct 0.16    1.17    13.64   98277
QString::QString    0.16    0.16    100.00  84897
QList<userstruct>::append   0.16    1.58    9.85    97870
QString::operator +=    0.15    0.15    100.00  175013
const QStringList::contains 0.15    0.15    100.00  185308
const QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::const_iterator::key 0.15    0.21    70.42   213464
const QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>::operator |  0.14    0.20    69.79   258515
const QString::operator ==  0.14    0.45    30.61   271871
usermessage::usermessage    0.14    0.52    26.15   49253
operator >><usermessage>    0.13    3.25    3.94    3019
const QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>::operator int   0.13    0.13    100.00  530206
QList<usermessage>::append  0.12    1.13    10.56   50152
singleton<leagueserverhandler>  0.12    0.12    99.87   173297
QWidget::show   0.12    0.12    99.29   2
QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>::QFlags    0.11    0.11    100.00  517030
ircMessage::ircMessage  0.11    0.25    43.83   1833
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::operator []   0.10    0.36    27.62   95451
const HostModel::index  0.10    0.23    41.63   126537
const QHash<char, ::QChar>::contains    0.09    0.44    21.17   206335
QString::operator +=    0.09    0.12    77.81   52127
const QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::const_iterator::operator != 0.08    0.08    100.00  213534
const QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::contains    0.08    0.43    18.79   95163
const QList<userstruct>::const_iterator::operator !=    0.08    0.08    100.00  328079
const QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::contains   0.08    0.40    19.15   172091
QList<userstruct>::const_iterator::operator ++  0.08    0.08    100.00  324491
QList<userstruct>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.08    0.08    100.00  324491
QLatin1String::QLatin1String    0.07    0.07    100.00  275294
database_base::commit   0.07    0.07    99.95   3
QList<QString>::detach  0.07    0.13    51.47   142664
Ui_combobox_wrapper::setupUi    0.06    0.06    99.84   1
QList<userstruct>::node_destruct    0.06    1.23    5.20    3533
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::detach    0.06    0.09    73.49   95699
QList<userstruct>::operator []  0.06    0.13    46.94   41719
QSystemTrayIcon::show   0.06    0.06    100.00  1
dateTime    0.06    0.08    73.68   899
QHashNode<QString, ::QStringList>::same_key 0.06    0.06    100.00  123108
balloonHandler::balloonHandler  0.06    0.12    48.06   1
qHash   0.05    0.05    100.00  258376
balloonHandler::showBalloon 0.05    0.05    99.67   3
database_base::database_base    0.05    0.05    99.98   1
QIODevice::write    0.05    0.05    99.70   406
Ui_MainWindow::setupUi  0.05    0.05    97.59   1
const QListData::begin  0.05    0.05    100.00  130210
soundHandler::init  0.05    0.05    98.54   2
const QBool::operator const void*   0.05    0.05    100.00  206455
const QString::isEmpty  0.04    0.04    100.00  176667
const ChanUserModel::headerData 0.04    0.12    34.11   65892
operator +  0.04    0.11    39.26   12647
singleton<pictureHandler>   0.04    0.37    11.32   100607
ChanUserModel::tr   0.04    0.04    100.00  12860
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::operator []  0.04    0.22    18.47   53614
QList<userstruct>::detach   0.04    0.06    67.22   77873
singleton<balloonHandler>   0.04    0.16    24.86   9
QByteArray::~QByteArray 0.04    0.04    86.88   19671
time    0.04    0.04    92.65   783
QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>::~QPair  0.04    0.05    75.18   20617
QHashNode<char, ::QChar>::same_key  0.03    0.03    100.00  135690
QList<QString>::free    0.03    0.19    17.74   24448
QList<userstruct>::end  0.03    0.07    44.70   35766
QList<QString>::Node::t 0.03    0.03    100.00  154261
QList<QString>::begin   0.03    0.09    34.14   37538
const QList<userstruct>::length 0.03    0.05    61.58   48438
Ui_settingswindowClass::setupUi 0.03    0.04    76.19   1
chatHandler::getSegmentation    0.03    0.22    12.31   897
const QHash<char, ::QChar>::value   0.03    0.12    23.26   51887
ircnet::sigIRCUpdatedUserList   0.03    13.38   0.20    1180
QList<QString>::first   0.03    0.09    29.22   17607
QComboBox::addItem  0.03    0.03    100.00  260
QList<QString>::node_destruct   0.02    0.15    16.17   24448
operator >><QString, ::QList<usermessage>>  0.02    3.38    0.73    1
const QHash<char, ::QChar>::operator [] 0.02    0.14    16.70   51887
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::detach   0.02    0.06    38.09   53614
QList<QString>::detach_helper_grow  0.02    0.07    30.93   7734
const QList<hoststruct>::at 0.02    0.04    58.32   15376
const QListData::end    0.02    0.02    100.00  75569
MainWindow::gotusermsg  0.02    19.30   0.10    899
QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>::QPair   0.02    0.03    77.39   14790
QList<usermessage>::detach_helper   0.02    0.03    71.53   3026
userstruct::userstruct  0.02    0.15    12.88   494
QList<QString>::node_copy   0.02    0.07    27.85   17767
emoticonhandler::emoticonhandler    0.02    0.03    71.02   1
QList<QString>::~QList  0.02    0.18    10.82   51758
const QList<QString>::at    0.02    0.03    64.85   15785
QList<userstruct>::detach_helper_grow   0.02    0.05    38.19   3535
ircnet::canonizeChannelName 0.02    0.08    21.86   794
const ChanUserModel::hasChildren    0.02    0.03    67.38   45602
QList<QString>::erase   0.02    0.05    38.67   20930
const QString::contains 0.02    0.02    80.98   21133
const QList<userstruct>::iterator::operator ->  0.02    0.02    69.66   35777
const QList<QString>::size  0.02    0.03    58.60   49888
QList<QString>::removeFirst 0.02    0.10    16.60   19931
std::swap<QString::Data*>   0.02    0.03    59.18   16882
const QMap<QString, ::QImage>::findNode 0.02    0.05    32.91   3132
channelTab::~channelTab 0.02    0.02    84.97   1
qMapLessThanKey<QString>    0.02    0.02    100.00  29739
QStringList::~QStringList   0.02    0.19    8.18    51758
QSystemTrayIcon::hide   0.02    0.02    100.00  2
QTextCharFormat::~QTextCharFormat   0.02    0.02    100.00  28274
singleton<netcoupler>   0.02    0.03    56.74   6035
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::createNode    0.02    0.06    27.19   3061
MainWindow::dockTab 0.02    0.02    90.07   1
channelTab::setupWindowTitleOnChangeOfUserAmount    0.01    0.02    62.42   790
QList<QString>::takeFirst   0.01    0.22    6.89    17604
Ui_channelTab::setupUi  0.01    0.01    98.79   1
database_base::open 0.01    0.20    7.41    1
qMax<int>   0.01    0.01    100.00  13175
hoststruct::sethost 0.01    0.13    10.85   683
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::createNode   0.01    0.03    44.80   7364
const QScopedPointer<QObjectData, ::QScopedPointerDeleter<>>::operator ->   0.01    0.02    66.58   24846
appendhistory   0.01    0.16    8.96    899
Ui_serverTab::setupUi   0.01    0.01    98.76   1
QTextCodec::codecForName    0.01    0.02    82.54   1406
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::freeData  0.01    0.75    1.76    1
QChar::unicode  0.01    0.01    100.00  58313
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::concrete   0.01    0.02    67.96   28511
QList<QString>::iterator::iterator  0.01    0.01    100.00  60604
std::swap<QListData::Data*> 0.01    0.02    64.71   7005
const QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::findNode    0.01    0.02    67.50   5730
pictureHandler::mapHostNumberToCountryCode  0.01    0.06    19.61   2271
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::node_destruct    0.01    0.04    32.82   1794
QList<QString>::operator =  0.01    0.05    21.51   17264
std::move<QString::Data*&>  0.01    0.01    100.00  50646
HostModel::tr   0.01    0.01    100.00  3194
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::node_construct   0.01    0.02    59.72   5827
usermodel::usermodel    0.01    0.01    98.02   1
const HostModel::headerData 0.01    0.03    32.47   15742
QTextCharFormat::QTextCharFormat    0.01    0.01    100.00  27359
chatHandler::appenddebug    0.01    0.01    99.77   2
HostModel::hostsChanged 0.01    0.01    92.42   138
operator new    0.01    0.01    100.00  70666
QList<QString>::append  0.01    0.11    9.65    13479
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::freeData 0.01    0.10    9.75    1199
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::insertMulti   0.01    0.09    11.75   3019
QList<usermessage>::QList   0.01    0.01    70.38   6088
qSwap<QString::Data*>   0.01    0.04    25.55   16882
serverTab::addToServInfo    0.01    0.01    100.00  30
const QTextCodec::fromUnicode   0.01    0.01    100.00  4938
QList<QString>::node_destruct   0.01    0.02    40.20   20932
MainWindow::MainWindow  0.01    0.32    2.95    1
QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>::QPair   0.01    0.01    82.57   5827
_GLOBAL__N_1::isClickableLink   0.01    0.05    17.30   3136
QString::operator = 0.01    0.05    19.48   16882
QList<usermessage>::~QList  0.01    0.73    1.24    9156
QHashData::willGrow 0.01    0.01    100.00  11957
QList<QNetworkReply*>::operator []  0.01    0.02    37.88   9591
Ui_settingswindowClass::retranslateUi   0.01    0.01    99.52   1
QList<userstruct>::iterator::operator ++    0.01    0.01    100.00  34941
chatHandler::eventFilter    0.01    0.03    24.55   3144
QList<userstruct>::free 0.01    1.24    0.67    3533
const WA_textcodec1252::convertFromUnicode  0.01    0.06    14.79   406
QList<userstruct>::iterator::iterator   0.01    0.01    100.00  36591
MainWindow::init_menus  0.01    0.17    4.75    1
QDebug::~QDebug 0.01    0.01    99.03   7
pictureHandler::fillFlags   0.01    0.04    22.07   1
QList<QString>::node_construct  0.01    0.02    31.26   13479
usermessage::usermessage    0.01    0.02    39.63   899
snoppanet::qt_static_metacall   0.01    1.66    0.46    9730
const QList<QString>::const_iterator::operator &U   0.01    0.01    73.23   16107
operator +  0.01    0.02    44.87   2779
QList<QString>::detach_helper   0.01    0.03    23.04   1804
ircnet::siggotusermessage   0.01    19.35   0.04    899
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::detach_helper_grow   0.01    0.01    66.71   1794
netcoupler::siggotusermessage   0.01    19.32   0.04    899
QList<usermessage>::free    0.01    0.72    1.01    3068
QList<QNetworkReply*>::detach   0.01    0.01    77.30   10005
clantowebpagemapper::httpFinished   0.01    0.04    17.61   1
const QHash<QString, int>::keys 0.01    0.04    16.97   798
pictureHandler::getLeagueRank   0.01    0.06    11.95   7834
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::append   0.01    0.04    18.05   5827
QForeachContainer<QStringList>::QForeachContainer   0.01    0.02    31.68   3912
MainWindow::connectToNetwork    0.01    0.01    65.45   1
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::node_copy    0.01    0.01    57.50   4485
std::move<QListData::Data*&>    0.01    0.01    100.00  21015
QList<usermessage>::clear   0.01    0.04    17.53   3019
hoststruct::~hoststruct 0.01    0.03    19.94   2730
const QList<userstruct>::iterator::operator !=  0.01    0.01    100.00  30709
QList<QString>::QList   0.01    0.01    60.62   19760
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::operator +=  0.01    0.02    33.73   897
QWidget::hide   0.01    0.01    77.76   2
chatHandler::getRightFormat 0.01    0.02    30.33   897
const QList<QString>::iterator::operator &U 0.01    0.01    63.77   18744
MainWindow::trayactivation  0.01    0.30    2.15    2
ircnet::sigIRCUpdatedAmountOfUsers  0.01    0.05    13.10   792
MainWindow::quit    0.01    0.16    3.83    2
qSwap<QListData::Data*> 0.01    0.03    24.54   7005
const hoststruct::country   0.01    0.08    7.70    2271
QList<hoststruct>::last 0.01    0.03    22.01   6147
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::payload    0.01    0.01    100.00  28535
const QList<QString>::mid   0.01    0.02    35.28   7365
QStringList::QStringList    0.01    0.01    42.65   12393
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::deleteNode2  0.01    0.09    6.08    7364
const QHash<QChar, char>::findNode  0.01    0.01    42.57   5092
const QStringList::join 0.01    0.01    100.00  1712
QString::QString    0.01    0.01    56.83   1201
netcoupler::sigUpdatedAmountOfUsers 0.01    0.03    15.63   792
QList<hoststruct>::end  0.01    0.02    33.79   6147
QList<hoststruct>::Node::t  0.01    0.01    100.00  22206
chatHandler::slidermoved    0.01    0.01    100.00  1701
QForeachContainer<QList<userstruct>>::QForeachContainer 0.01    0.02    28.23   3588
netcoupler::qt_static_metacall  0.01    147.90  0.00    1904
QList<QString>::QList   0.01    0.01    60.81   17091
HostModel::HostModel    0.01    0.01    99.18   1
hoststruct::hoststruct  0.01    0.07    7.14    2049
QList<QString>::operator += 0.01    0.02    34.39   7858
const ChanUserModel::rowCount   0.01    0.01    38.61   7070
channelTab::channelTab  0.01    0.06    7.96    1
QByteArray::operator += 0.01    0.01    100.00  4938
ircnet::tr  0.01    0.01    100.00  786
QStringList::operator = 0.01    0.06    8.43    17264
channelTab::qt_static_metacall  0.00    6.07    0.08    1968
QList<usermessage>::reserve 0.00    0.03    14.21   3026
QList<userstruct>::~QList   0.00    1.25    0.39    7125
const QList<QString>::isEmpty   0.00    0.01    56.46   17207
ChanUserModel::ChanUserModel    0.00    0.00    96.42   2
chatHandler::qt_static_metacall 0.00    0.04    11.04   1701
QStringList::QStringList    0.00    0.01    35.17   17088
QList<userstruct>::clear    0.00    1.26    0.36    3534
QList<QString>::QList   0.00    0.01    60.75   15526
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::detach    0.00    0.01    63.97   5730
QHashNode<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::QHashNode 0.00    0.02    19.22   3061
channelTab::getusermessage  0.00    19.23   0.02    897
QList<usermessage>::operator =  0.00    0.02    23.65   3026
const QListData::isEmpty    0.00    0.00    100.00  19802
serverTab::qt_static_metacall   0.00    7.40    0.06    2360
QList<QString>::~QList  0.00    0.01    29.80   16367
database_base::appendList<QList<QVariant>>  0.00    0.03    14.74   2
QHashNode<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::same_key  0.00    0.00    100.00  6066
leagueserverhandler::qt_static_metacall 0.00    2.70    0.15    2401
const QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::findNode   0.00    0.01    54.25   2894
QBool::QBool    0.00    0.00    100.00  21147
QString::clear  0.00    0.01    53.50   9624
const HostModel::flags  0.00    0.02    25.57   5616
const QList<QString>::begin 0.00    0.01    63.86   4827
const snoppanet::metaObject 0.00    0.01    36.17   10018
QModelIndex::~QModelIndex   0.00    0.00    100.00  16317
const QList<userstruct>::end    0.00    0.01    71.21   3588
QString::operator = 0.00    0.01    36.78   1609
QDataStream::operator >>    0.00    0.00    100.00  3025
QList<hoststruct>::node_construct   0.00    0.07    5.59    1366
const chatHandler::metaObject   0.00    0.01    50.76   1708
database_base::set  0.00    0.74    0.49    44
qHash   0.00    0.01    63.64   5092
qstrnlen    0.00    0.00    100.00  1204
const QList<QString>::const_iterator::operator !=   0.00    0.00    100.00  20141
const QList<QString>::operator +    0.00    0.01    29.35   7364
MainWindow::join    0.00    0.09    3.89    1
QList<QString>::const_iterator::const_iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  15314
const QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::const_iterator::operator &U    0.00    0.01    66.22   5827
QModelIndex::QModelIndex    0.00    0.00    100.00  12643
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::operator []  0.00    0.02    22.05   2892
const usermessage::has_type 0.00    0.00    100.00  16400
const leagueserverhandler::metaObject   0.00    0.01    48.96   3608
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::free 0.00    0.04    8.38    1794
QList<QString>::const_iterator::operator ++ 0.00    0.00    100.00  15314
QList<usermessage>::QList   0.00    0.00    65.59   3068
QHashNode<QString, ::QStringList>::QHashNode    0.00    0.01    22.90   7364
settingswindow::settingswindow  0.00    0.11    2.90    1
qMakePair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>  0.00    0.01    21.51   5827
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::operator <<  0.00    0.04    7.50    5827
const QList<QString>::end   0.00    0.00    62.58   4827
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::alignOfNode   0.00    0.02    18.39   3062
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::deleteNode2   0.00    0.73    0.41    3061
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::operator []   0.00    0.01    21.93   2711
MainWindow::qt_static_metacall  0.00    22.21   0.01    912
QHashNode<QString, ::QStringList>::~QHashNode   0.00    0.09    3.32    7364
const QChar::unicode    0.00    0.00    100.00  4938
const QString::size 0.00    0.00    100.00  9453
channelTab::eventFilter 0.00    0.00    79.44   2253
emoticonhandler::contains   0.00    0.05    5.20    3132
chatHandler::makePair   0.00    0.02    16.24   5827
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::alignOfNode  0.00    0.00    73.02   8563
QHashNode<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::~QHashNode    0.00    0.73    0.38    3061
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::~QList   0.00    0.04    6.35    3472
const QList<userstruct>::begin  0.00    0.00    60.83   3588
QList<hoststruct>::detach   0.00    0.00    58.53   6147
snoppanet::~snoppanet   0.00    0.00    98.09   1
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::detach_helper    0.00    0.00    72.79   1199
QList<QString>::end 0.00    0.00    55.57   2136
leagueserverhandler::loginFinished  0.00    0.04    7.50    1
QStringList::replaceInStrings   0.00    0.00    100.00  276
operator == 0.00    0.01    38.76   3144
MainWindow::showTabMenus    0.00    0.00    99.94   4
operator +  0.00    0.02    13.61   5139
QForeachContainer<QList<userstruct>>::~QForeachContainer    0.00    0.01    44.02   3588
const ChanUserModel::parent 0.00    0.00    69.89   3534
hoststruct::sethost 0.00    0.00    100.00  683
QList<userstruct>::QList    0.00    0.00    67.13   3588
const QString::isNull   0.00    0.00    100.00  9624
QHash<QString, int>::const_iterator::operator ++    0.00    0.00    100.00  3982
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::findNode   0.00    0.00    66.12   2154
const QList<hoststruct>::iterator::operator &U  0.00    0.00    67.25   6147
serverTab::serverTab    0.00    0.04    5.28    1
leagueserverhandler::~leagueserverhandler   0.00    0.00    96.10   1
const QHash<QChar, char>::contains  0.00    0.02    14.70   4938
MainWindow::returntologintab    0.00    0.00    53.42   1
hoststruct::~hoststruct 0.00    0.02    9.27    1363
QList<userstruct>::node_copy    0.00    0.00    100.00  7070
const QObject::findChild<const QObject*>    0.00    0.00    99.85   63
QForeachContainer<QList<channelTab*>>::QForeachContainer    0.00    0.01    31.27   1079
ircnet::qt_static_metacall  0.00    36.37   0.01    864
clantowebpagemapper::~clantowebpagemapper   0.00    0.00    60.07   1
const QHash<QString, int>::end  0.00    0.00    57.31   4780
combobox_wrapper::~combobox_wrapper 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
settingswindow::~settingswindow 0.00    0.00    49.55   1
QList<QString>::operator << 0.00    0.08    2.55    7364
const channelTab::metaObject    0.00    0.00    49.41   2754
QStringList::QStringList    0.00    0.01    38.45   7367
QList<userstruct>::QList    0.00    0.00    61.18   3539
netcoupler::gethostlist 0.00    0.06    3.09    138
QList<hoststruct>::append   0.00    0.07    2.71    1366
QList<QVariant>::node_destruct  0.00    0.00    100.00  585
QList<QNetworkReply*>::Node::t  0.00    0.00    100.00  10143
QList<QVariant>::node_construct 0.00    0.00    100.00  1208
const hoststruct::nick  0.00    0.00    100.00  7546
_GLOBAL__N_1::containsCI    0.00    0.00    52.77   1798
snoppanet::sighostlist  0.00    0.07    2.73    138
QList<QString>::const_iterator::const_iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  9654
netcoupler::getusermessage  0.00    19.33   0.01    899
QList<QVariant>::append 0.00    0.01    29.35   1208
const ChanUserModel::columnCount    0.00    0.00    100.00  7070
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::keys   0.00    0.01    18.77   14
const QEvent::type  0.00    0.00    100.00  5396
qHash   0.00    0.00    100.00  2894
QHash<QString, int>::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  5578
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::Node::t  0.00    0.00    100.00  5827
QForeachContainer<QStringList>::~QForeachContainer  0.00    0.01    12.46   3912
QList<QString>::last    0.00    0.01    29.52   1137
QList<usermessage>::node_copy   0.00    0.00    68.65   3117
QList<userstruct>::operator =   0.00    0.01    13.90   3534
_GLOBAL__N_1::startswithCI  0.00    0.00    100.00  3135
userstruct::operator =  0.00    0.00    100.00  411
ircnet::tcp_write   0.00    0.11    1.49    406
MainWindow::snpsetcontains  0.00    0.02    10.02   16
QComboBox::addItems 0.00    0.00    100.00  6
const database_base::getbool    0.00    0.01    30.15   249
QHash<QString, >::createNode    0.00    0.00    36.66   368
hoststruct::hoststruct  0.00    0.01    24.94   684
QList<QVariant>::detach_helper_grow 0.00    0.00    69.92   519
QMap<int, ::QString>::operator []   0.00    0.01    28.45   822
const QHash<QString, int>::findNode 0.00    0.00    73.16   802
QTextCharFormat::operator = 0.00    0.00    100.00  1688
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::detach   0.00    0.00    36.95   2892
inihandlerclass::requestfromini 0.00    0.00    74.89   3
const serverTab::metaObject 0.00    0.00    43.14   2452
QList<userstruct>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  7176
snoppanet::setChannelList   0.00    0.00    51.03   2
QList<QString>::takeLast    0.00    0.01    10.75   999
channelTab::lockUI  0.00    0.00    99.60   1
const QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::const_iterator::operator !=    0.00    0.00    100.00  6724
QHash<QString, >::operator []   0.00    0.01    15.79   368
pictureHandler::mapNumberToCountryCode  0.00    0.01    13.65   1103
Ui_emoticonhandlerClass::setupUi    0.00    0.00    93.17   1
const QString::operator !=  0.00    0.00    100.00  1938
const QList<channelTab*>::begin 0.00    0.00    73.18   1079
QForeachContainer<QList<QString>>::QForeachContainer    0.00    0.00    35.90   797
QList<QVariant>::~QList 0.00    0.00    29.31   2142
QList<QVariant>::QList  0.00    0.00    77.95   1560
sqlsettings::start  0.00    0.21    0.65    1
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::iterator::iterator    0.00    0.00    100.00  3019
const QHash<QString, int>::const_iterator::key  0.00    0.00    67.71   3982
const QMap<QString, ::QImage>::contains 0.00    0.05    2.49    3132
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::const_iterator::operator ++  0.00    0.00    100.00  5827
QForeachContainer<QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>>::QForeachContainer 0.00    0.00    30.73   897
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::QList    0.00    0.00    60.60   2575
const QHash<QString, int>::begin    0.00    0.00    66.74   798
QChar::QChar    0.00    0.00    100.00  5777
const QMap<int, ::QString>::mutableFindNode 0.00    0.00    45.28   822
QList<QString>::removeLast  0.00    0.01    19.88   999
QList<hoststruct>::iterator::iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  6147
QHashNode<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::same_key 0.00    0.00    100.00  2875
netcoupler::emitSigUpdatedAmountOfUsers 0.00    0.04    3.11    792
QList<hoststruct>::detach_helper_grow   0.00    0.00    69.58   276
QList<hoststruct>::iterator::operator --    0.00    0.00    100.00  6147
const netcoupler::metaObject    0.00    0.00    42.71   1939
const QComboBox::findText   0.00    0.00    99.94   6
const hoststruct::ip    0.00    0.00    100.00  4370
qHash   0.00    0.00    100.00  5092
const QList<userstruct>::iterator::operator <   0.00    0.00    100.00  5057
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  5827
const QMetaObject::className    0.00    0.00    100.00  3144
QMap<int, ::QString>::concrete  0.00    0.00    68.65   2466
QList<QString>::reserve 0.00    0.01    18.38   815
ircMessage::isUserMsg   0.00    0.00    100.00  1833
QListWidget::addItem    0.00    0.00    100.00  24
std::swap<QHashData*>   0.00    0.00    74.31   1212
const ircnet::metaObject    0.00    0.00    52.68   883
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::createNode   0.00    0.00    45.13   525
QByteArray::operator += 0.00    0.00    100.00  406
QComboBox::insertItem   0.00    0.00    100.00  9
QList<channelTab*>::QList   0.00    0.00    62.02   1079
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::createNode    0.00    0.00    45.19   288
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::clear    0.00    0.11    0.90    1203
copySettingsToUserProfileDirectory  0.00    0.00    92.83   1
const QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::isEmpty    0.00    0.00    66.55   1794
inihandlerclass::stringlistfromini  0.00    0.00    80.00   3
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::operator []  0.00    0.01    14.86   1270
QList<hoststruct>::node_destruct    0.00    0.02    3.87    275
snoppanet::getscheme    0.00    0.00    55.23   1
QHashNode<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::same_key 0.00    0.00    100.00  2271
safequerylist   0.00    0.00    86.21   2
userstruct::userstruct  0.00    0.01    15.77   449
const QPointer<emoticonhandler>::operator ->    0.00    0.00    100.00  3132
Ui_MainWindow::retranslateUi    0.00    0.00    92.61   1
QList<QNetworkReply*>::detach_helper_grow   0.00    0.00    76.96   138
usermessage::settime    0.00    0.00    100.00  1682
chatHandler::chatHandler    0.00    0.03    3.06    1
const QHash<QString, int>::const_iterator::operator !=  0.00    0.00    100.00  4780
ircnet::start   0.00    0.00    99.77   1
const MainWindow::metaObject    0.00    0.00    47.84   1342
QHashNode<QChar, char>::same_key    0.00    0.00    100.00  1904
QList<userstruct>::prepend  0.00    0.01    10.86   479
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::QHash    0.00    0.00    80.10   1205
const QHash<QString, int>::size 0.00    0.00    100.00  798
database_base::~database_base   0.00    0.00    30.30   1
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::const_iterator::operator ++  0.00    0.00    100.00  1470
const QString::length   0.00    0.00    100.00  3666
snoppanet::start    0.00    0.00    58.73   1
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::concrete 0.00    0.00    100.00  1995
const QList<channelTab*>::const_iterator::operator &U   0.00    0.00    79.36   1046
QList<usermessage>::operator << 0.00    0.01    6.35    899
leagueserverhandler::myconnect  0.00    0.00    97.30   1
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::freeData 0.00    0.01    14.52   5
QList<QVariant>::free   0.00    0.00    29.57   585
qSwap<QHashData*>   0.00    0.00    35.92   1212
QForeachContainer<QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>>::~QForeachContainer    0.00    0.00    42.18   897
QHash<QString, int>::operator []    0.00    0.00    20.59   801
QForeachContainer<QList<channelTab*>>::~QForeachContainer   0.00    0.00    44.40   1079
MainWindow::on_tabWidget_currentChanged 0.00    0.00    17.13   4
const QList<channelTab*>::end   0.00    0.00    56.10   1079
const QHash<QString, >::findNode    0.00    0.00    61.11   378
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::value  0.00    0.00    18.74   864
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::end    0.00    0.00    63.53   1484
QChar::QChar    0.00    0.00    81.27   826
QList<userstruct>::erase    0.00    0.01    10.80   437
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::operator =   0.00    0.00    23.43   1203
const QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::end    0.00    0.00    62.75   897
_GLOBAL__N_1::containsCI    0.00    0.00    47.61   897
QList<QString>::detach_helper   0.00    0.03    2.22    989
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::concrete 0.00    0.00    100.00  7364
const QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::begin  0.00    0.00    60.44   897
QHash<QString, int>::concrete   0.00    0.00    100.00  3987
QString::operator []    0.00    0.00    76.29   547
netcoupler::getChannelTabByChannelName  0.00    0.00    26.89   138
const hoststruct::name  0.00    0.00    100.00  2333
ircMessage::isServMsg   0.00    0.00    100.00  1833
QHash<QString, ::QStringList>::~QHash   0.00    0.11    0.51    1205
QList<userstruct>::node_destruct    0.00    0.01    9.32    437
loadquerylist   0.00    0.00    56.30   1
QMap<QString, >::node_create    0.00    0.00    68.77   149
operator >><QString, >  0.00    0.00    25.94   3
QList<userstruct>::begin    0.00    0.00    47.13   388
chatHandler::initialFormat  0.00    0.00    33.43   36
QHashData::firstNode    0.00    0.00    100.00  883
QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>::QFlags    0.00    0.00    100.00  1777
QList<QNetworkReply*>::last 0.00    0.00    33.28   414
QList<hoststruct>::const_iterator::operator ++  0.00    0.00    100.00  683
QMap<int, ::QString>::payload   0.00    0.00    100.00  2468
QByteArray::QByteArray  0.00    0.00    60.35   1223
QList<channelTab*>::const_iterator::const_iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  2158
database_base::transaction  0.00    0.00    92.16   4
QList<QString>::QList   0.00    0.00    69.33   841
QMap<int, ::QString>::detach    0.00    0.00    61.90   822
const hoststruct::withkey   0.00    0.00    100.00  1588
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::QList    0.00    0.00    63.25   897
QList<hoststruct>::~QList   0.00    0.03    1.79    829
QHash<QString, int>::detach 0.00    0.00    64.53   801
usermessage::add_type   0.00    0.01    7.61    909
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::operator <<  0.00    0.02    2.30    897
QList<QNetworkRequest>::iterator::operator --   0.00    0.00    100.00  3
const QList<channelTab*>::const_iterator::operator !=   0.00    0.00    100.00  1987
pictureHandler::ranklistsize    0.00    0.00    44.91   478
QHashNode<QString, >::QHashNode 0.00    0.00    21.29   368
const QCharRef::operator ::QChar    0.00    0.00    79.02   547
QList<hoststruct>::free 0.00    0.03    1.73    275
_GLOBAL__N_1::compareCI 0.00    0.00    56.03   116
QHash<QString, >::alignOfNode   0.00    0.00    74.58   370
const HostModel::hasChildren    0.00    0.00    68.64   965
QHash<QString, >::detach    0.00    0.00    70.67   368
QHash<QString, >::freeData  0.00    0.00    29.39   2
qMapLessThanKey<int>    0.00    0.00    100.00  1642
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::detach   0.00    0.00    62.25   1270
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  1498
operator == 0.00    0.00    64.22   547
QList<QPair<QVariant, ::QTextCharFormat>>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  1794
QStringList::operator <<    0.00    0.01    3.89    494
operator +  0.00    0.00    17.71   406
QList<channelTab*>::~QList  0.00    0.00    41.97   1080
const QByteArray::size  0.00    0.00    100.00  1610
chatFormatSettings::load    0.00    0.00    26.74   1
QList<QString>::iterator::operator --   0.00    0.00    100.00  2136
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::const_iterator::key    0.00    0.00    33.05   1470
QForeachContainer<QList<QString>>::~QForeachContainer   0.00    0.01    5.72    797
std::move<QHashData*&>  0.00    0.00    100.00  3636
QHashNode<QString, int>::same_key   0.00    0.00    100.00  796
const QList<hoststruct>::const_iterator::operator !=    0.00    0.00    100.00  821
const QByteArray::constData 0.00    0.00    100.00  2815
QList<QNetworkReply*>::free 0.00    0.00    93.32   138
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::operator []    0.00    0.00    8.15    864
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::freeData  0.00    0.00    52.80   2
operator >><QString, ::QVariant>    0.00    0.00    35.85   1
QForeachContainer<QList<QNetworkReply*>>::QForeachContainer 0.00    0.00    37.90   139
QList<QVariant>::operator <<    0.00    0.01    5.16    1208
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::alignOfNode   0.00    0.00    80.03   290
QList<QVariant>::node_copy  0.00    0.00    100.00  1108
snoppanet::snoppanet    0.00    0.00    74.57   1
refreshcombobox 0.00    0.00    35.57   2
QList<hoststruct>::clear    0.00    0.03    1.12    276
netcoupler::start   0.00    0.00    10.87   1
const QList<QString>::contains  0.00    0.00    70.69   14
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::end   0.00    0.00    21.06   247
database_base::variantListToStringList  0.00    0.00    26.74   20
loadusergarbage 0.00    3.38    0.01    1
leagueserverhandler::islogged   0.00    0.00    100.00  1200
const QList<QVariant>::at   0.00    0.00    71.33   315
QList<QNetworkReply*>::end  0.00    0.00    39.62   414
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::deleteNode2  0.00    0.00    5.72    525
soundHandler::~soundHandler 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QList<QVariant>::first    0.00    0.00    38.62   315
QForeachContainer<const QStringList>::QForeachContainer 0.00    0.00    26.33   118
const QList<hoststruct>::const_iterator::operator &U    0.00    0.00    63.41   683
QList<QNetworkRequest>::operator [] 0.00    0.00    47.34   137
const HostModel::columnCount    0.00    0.00    100.00  277
QHashNode<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::QHashNode    0.00    0.00    26.97   525
Ui_ChannelMenu::setupUi 0.00    0.00    84.88   1
QHashNode<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::~QHashNode   0.00    0.00    5.68    525
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::const_iterator::operator !=    0.00    0.00    100.00  1484
QHashNode<QString, >::same_key  0.00    0.00    100.00  240
QList<usermessage>::detach_helper_grow  0.00    0.00    68.48   42
QStringList::operator <<    0.00    0.01    4.75    620
QList<QNetworkReply*>::append   0.00    0.00    15.41   138
netcoupler::refreshlist 0.00    0.00    43.30   138
operator +  0.00    0.00    21.11   232
WA_textcodec1252::WA_textcodec1252  0.00    0.00    30.76   1
const QMap<QString, >::mutableFindNode  0.00    0.00    37.23   221
const QList<QPixmap*>::size 0.00    0.00    41.09   478
_GLOBAL__N_1::containsOneCI 0.00    0.00    16.42   116
pictureHandler::fillRanks   0.00    0.00    20.15   1
const QPointer<chatHandler>::operator ->    0.00    0.00    100.00  899
const database_base::get    0.00    0.00    18.30   44
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::const_iterator::operator ++   0.00    0.00    100.00  246
QList<channelTab*>::Node::t 0.00    0.00    100.00  1050
QLatin1Char::QLatin1Char    0.00    0.00    100.00  826
serverTab::gotChannelList   0.00    0.00    15.34   2
MainWindow::on_cbenabletus_toggled  0.00    0.00    20.49   2
channelTab::setHosts    0.00    0.03    0.72    138
QWidget::setMinimumSize 0.00    0.00    95.32   55
QMap<QString, >::concrete   0.00    0.00    72.24   1235
const HostModel::rowCount   0.00    0.00    42.87   277
QList<hoststruct>::QList    0.00    0.00    59.30   414
QHashNode<QString, QPixmap*>::QHashNode 0.00    0.00    25.80   288
channelTab::mysetwindowtitle    0.00    0.00    100.00  783
QList<hoststruct>::QList    0.00    0.00    65.44   416
QList<QVariant>::QList  0.00    0.00    57.67   582
QList<channelTab*>::const_iterator::operator ++ 0.00    0.00    100.00  908
QForeachContainer<QList<hoststruct>>::QForeachContainer 0.00    0.00    33.23   138
const QList<QVariant>::isEmpty  0.00    0.00    72.41   520
clantowebpagemapper::clantowebpagemapper    0.00    0.00    99.17   1
_GLOBAL__N_1::containsCI    0.00    0.00    16.46   116
const QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::const_iterator::key 0.00    0.00    67.80   246
const hoststruct::flag  0.00    0.00    100.00  683
QHash<char, ::QChar>::createNode    0.00    0.00    75.17   146
database_base::variantListToBool    0.00    0.00    11.70   95
const hoststruct::id    0.00    0.00    100.00  683
MainWindow::chooseclicked   0.00    0.35    0.05    1
QByteArray::QByteArray  0.00    0.00    50.33   406
QHash<QChar, char>::createNode  0.00    0.00    74.05   146
QList<hoststruct>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  683
const QLatin1Char::unicode  0.00    0.00    100.00  826
handle_prosnooper_buddys    0.00    0.00    44.60   1
const QList<QNetworkReply*>::begin  0.00    0.00    79.52   139
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::concrete  0.00    0.00    100.00  780
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::alignOfNode  0.00    0.00    66.65   530
QList<QString>::iterator::iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  999
const QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::const_iterator::operator &U 0.00    0.00    73.49   246
chatHandler::~chatHandler   0.00    0.00    99.58   1
QList<QNetworkReply*>::~QList   0.00    0.00    26.31   279
const QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::findNode  0.00    0.00    64.99   180
const database_base::getString  0.00    0.00    17.46   60
QTextFormat::setForeground  0.00    0.00    100.00  36
const QList<hoststruct>::length 0.00    0.00    54.31   277
QHash<char, ::QChar>::freeData  0.00    0.00    82.34   2
Ui_volumesliderClass::setupUi   0.00    0.00    91.18   1
QList<hoststruct>::operator +=  0.00    0.00    28.21   138
QList<QVariant>::detach_helper  0.00    0.00    43.65   70
const hoststruct::chan  0.00    0.00    100.00  683
QList<QNetworkReply*>::clear    0.00    0.00    11.68   139
soundHandler::volumechange  0.00    0.00    100.00  2
const database_base::getStringList  0.00    0.00    13.80   16
const database_base::getint 0.00    0.00    33.51   21
QList<hoststruct>::operator =   0.00    0.00    18.06   276
qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>    0.00    0.00    62.29   322
const QVariant::operator == 0.00    0.00    100.00  44
operator >><QString>    0.00    0.00    39.15   1
netcoupler::loopTimerTimeout    0.00    128.39  0.00    68
const hoststruct::pwd   0.00    0.00    100.00  683
leagueserverhandler::leagueserverhandler    0.00    0.00    79.15   1
QList<QVariant>::Node::t    0.00    0.00    100.00  657
const QList<QNetworkReply*>::iterator::operator &U  0.00    0.00    67.50   414
const QObject::findChildren<const QObject*> 0.00    0.00    99.08   1
QList<channelTab*>::const_iterator::const_iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  908
ircnet::quit    0.00    0.01    1.85    2
database_base::isOpen   0.00    0.00    100.00  19
MainWindow::tr  0.00    0.00    100.00  19
Ui_serverTab::retranslateUi 0.00    0.00    97.11   1
const QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::const_iterator::operator != 0.00    0.00    100.00  247
soundHandler::play_startupsound 0.00    0.00    63.58   1
QList<QNetworkReply*>::QList    0.00    0.00    54.97   139
channelTab::closeEvent  0.00    0.16    0.07    1
QList<QNetworkReply*>::QList    0.00    0.00    79.15   140
const QList<hoststruct>::isEmpty    0.00    0.00    62.30   276
snoppanet::getscheme    0.00    0.00    67.95   1
myDebugClass::operator <<   0.00    0.02    0.57    29
const QList<QNetworkReply*>::const_iterator::operator &U    0.00    0.00    77.95   138
QList<hoststruct>::node_copy    0.00    0.00    100.00  552
QHash<QChar, char>::freeData    0.00    0.00    76.44   2
Ui_channelTab::retranslateUi    0.00    0.00    97.33   1
const QList<QNetworkReply*>::end    0.00    0.00    67.39   139
chatHandler::initialFormatStarter   0.00    0.00    5.37    2
QList<QNetworkRequest>::Node::t 0.00    0.00    100.00  140
clantowebpagemapper::httpReadyRead  0.00    0.00    47.72   1
const QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::end 0.00    0.00    85.70   70
const QString::arg  0.00    0.00    100.00  10
QCharRef::QCharRef  0.00    0.00    100.00  547
QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>::QFlags 0.00    0.00    100.00  333
QHashNode<QString, >::~QHashNode    0.00    0.00    9.92    368
QList<hoststruct>::operator =   0.00    0.00    47.49   138
QHash<QString, >::deleteNode2   0.00    0.00    8.76    368
MainWindow::appenddebugmessage  0.00    0.02    0.42    30
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::const_iterator::const_iterator    0.00    0.00    100.00  248
snoppanet::readircip    0.00    0.03    0.33    1
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::node_create    0.00    0.00    66.84   24
QMap<QString, >::payload    0.00    0.00    100.00  1386
QList<QNetworkReply*>::iterator::operator --    0.00    0.00    100.00  414
ircnet::~ircnet 0.00    0.00    11.47   1
QList<hoststruct>::append   0.00    0.00    14.69   138
const QMap<QString, const QMap<, >>::mutableFindNode    0.00    0.00    34.01   76
const QList<hoststruct>::end    0.00    0.00    53.16   138
QList<QNetworkReply*>::push_back    0.00    0.00    4.87    138
QHash<char, ::QChar>::operator []   0.00    0.00    15.58   146
Ui_emoticonhandlerClass::retranslateUi  0.00    0.00    96.77   1
qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>    0.00    0.00    49.61   328
netcoupler::~netcoupler 0.00    0.00    2.01    1
operator |  0.00    0.00    73.24   72
const QList<QNetworkReply*>::const_iterator::operator !=    0.00    0.00    100.00  277
const QList<hoststruct>::begin  0.00    0.00    62.43   138
sqlsettings::databasexists  0.00    0.00    98.54   1
ircnet::joinchannel 0.00    0.00    6.93    1
volumeslider::volumeslider  0.00    0.00    30.64   1
QString::QString    0.00    0.00    94.09   1
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::createNode  0.00    0.00    46.86   36
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::deleteNode2   0.00    0.00    21.93   288
QHash<QChar, char>::operator [] 0.00    0.00    13.11   146
QDialogButtonBox::tr    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
ircnet::refreshlist 0.00    0.00    24.61   138
QList<QPixmap*>::append 0.00    0.00    59.67   14
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::concrete   0.00    0.00    70.90   376
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::iterator::iterator    0.00    0.00    100.00  248
QMap<QString, >::insertMulti    0.00    0.00    5.74    144
QList<QVariant>::first  0.00    0.00    10.06   108
QList<userstruct>::iterator::iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  437
ircnet::connected   0.00    0.03    0.20    1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::detach  0.00    0.00    46.25   140
database_base::update   0.00    0.00    2.00    5
const QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::begin   0.00    0.00    47.28   70
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::insertMulti 0.00    0.00    21.13   36
combobox_wrapper::combobox_wrapper  0.00    0.06    0.09    1
database_base::validate 0.00    0.00    2.16    1
netcoupler::netcoupler  0.00    0.01    0.51    1
serverTab::returnToLoginTab 0.00    0.00    44.17   1
QHashNode<QString, ::QVariant>::same_key    0.00    0.00    100.00  209
const QList<QVariant>::value    0.00    0.00    60.60   51
QDataStream::setVersion 0.00    0.00    100.00  78
const QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::size    0.00    0.00    100.00  70
QList<QVariant>::begin  0.00    0.00    11.47   108
QList<hoststruct>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  276
QList<QNetworkReply*>::node_copy    0.00    0.00    100.00  276
QHashNode<QString, ::QVariant>::~QHashNode  0.00    0.00    56.40   36
const QLineEdit::qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro<const QLineEdit>    0.00    0.00    70.58   322
singleton<chatFormatSettings>   0.00    0.00    92.41   145
QWidget::setMaximumSize 0.00    0.00    94.53   21
const QCheckBox::qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro<const QCheckBox>    0.00    0.00    68.98   328
QList<QNetworkReply*>::iterator::iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  414
const HostModel::parent 0.00    0.00    55.49   138
QForeachContainer<QList<QNetworkReply*>>::~QForeachContainer    0.00    0.00    34.87   139
const QString::operator !=  0.00    0.00    29.75   278
QList<QNetworkReply*>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  278
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::operator []    0.00    0.00    13.93   76
QDebug::Stream::Stream  0.00    0.00    92.48   7
qobject_cast<QSpinBox*> 0.00    0.00    50.95   205
Ui_combobox_wrapper::retranslateUi  0.00    0.00    90.40   1
const combobox_wrapper::qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro<const combobox_wrapper>  0.00    0.00    78.47   188
channelTab::getMenu 0.00    0.00    13.94   1
QList<QNetworkReply*>::operator =   0.00    0.00    11.18   139
QHashNode<QString, QPixmap*>::~QHashNode    0.00    0.00    21.88   288
QObject::tr 0.00    0.00    100.00  4
const QList<QObject*>::const_iterator::operator &U  0.00    0.00    73.74   253
const QMap<QString, ::QImage>::mutableFindNode  0.00    0.00    40.63   25
QDebug::Stream::~Stream 0.00    0.00    81.08   7
QMap<QString, >::detach 0.00    0.00    53.56   224
const database_base::before_get 0.00    0.00    100.00  392
chatHandler::tr 0.00    0.00    100.00  12
qobject_cast<combobox_wrapper*> 0.00    0.00    41.02   188
ircnet::ircnet  0.00    0.00    88.63   1
const QList<QNetworkReply*>::size   0.00    0.00    60.88   138
QList<QVariant>::detach 0.00    0.00    10.57   108
MainWindow::closeEvent  0.00    0.27    0.01    1
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::freeData 0.00    0.00    26.83   1
MainWindow::disconnected    0.00    0.00    0.95    1
const QList<QVariant>::iterator::operator &U    0.00    0.00    56.09   108
database_base::db   0.00    0.20    0.02    13
balloonHandler::~balloonHandler 0.00    0.00    83.29   1
QList<userstruct>::operator <<  0.00    0.00    4.80    53
QForeachContainer<const QStringList>::~QForeachContainer    0.00    0.00    24.18   118
QString::append 0.00    0.00    42.27   3
MainWindow::fillsnpsettings 0.00    0.00    7.98    2
QList<QNetworkRequest>::node_destruct   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
Ui_ChannelMenu::retranslateUi   0.00    0.00    92.79   1
balloonHandler::connectedToLeagueServer 0.00    0.02    0.17    1
QMap<QString, >::operator []    0.00    0.00    8.27    73
singleton<soundHandler> 0.00    0.83    0.00    4
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::operator []    0.00    0.00    11.79   25
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::freeData    0.00    0.00    24.90   1
QDebug::maybeSpace  0.00    0.00    100.00  7
const QList<QVariant>::const_iterator::operator &U  0.00    0.00    48.84   183
WA_textcodec1251::WA_textcodec1251  0.00    0.00    6.50    1
QObject::disconnect 0.00    0.00    98.40   6
const database_base::contains   0.00    0.01    0.30    14
QForeachContainer<QList<hoststruct>>::~QForeachContainer    0.00    0.00    25.07   138
operator <<<QString>    0.00    0.00    38.84   2
const QSpinBox::qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro<const QSpinBox>  0.00    0.00    70.03   205
QHashNode<QString, ::QVariant>::QHashNode   0.00    0.00    48.43   36
QList<QNetworkReply*>::const_iterator::operator ++  0.00    0.00    100.00  138
singleton<settingswindow>   0.00    0.11    0.03    1
myDebug 0.00    0.00    99.65   31
usermodel::tr   0.00    0.00    100.00  5
QList<QVariant>::const_iterator::operator ++    0.00    0.00    100.00  183
balloonHandler::disconnected    0.00    0.00    23.94   1
const QList<QVariant>::const_iterator::operator !=  0.00    0.00    100.00  232
singleton<quithandler>  0.00    0.00    60.87   1
const QList<usermessage>::mid   0.00    0.00    2.64    7
singleton<sqlsettings>  0.00    0.05    0.05    33
QList<QNetworkReply*>::node_construct   0.00    0.00    100.00  138
const QPointer<ircnet>::operator -> 0.00    0.00    100.00  146
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::createNode   0.00    0.00    62.45   18
serverTab::qt_metacast  0.00    0.00    100.00  22
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::payload    0.00    0.00    100.00  379
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::operator [] 0.00    0.00    19.94   72
QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>::QFlags   0.00    0.00    100.00  185
QHash<QChar, char>::alignOfNode 0.00    0.00    70.57   148
QMap<QString, >::alignment  0.00    0.00    69.49   154
QHash<QChar, char>::detach  0.00    0.00    63.63   146
awayhandler::awayhandler    0.00    0.00    89.20   1
balloonHandler::connected   0.00    0.03    0.09    1
quithandler::inducequit 0.00    2.23    0.00    1
const QList<QVariant>::size 0.00    0.00    54.07   108
QList<QNetworkReply*>::node_destruct    0.00    0.00    100.00  138
QHash<char, ::QChar>::alignOfNode   0.00    0.00    68.77   148
QHash<QString, >::concrete  0.00    0.00    100.00  368
QHash<char, ::QChar>::detach    0.00    0.00    60.12   146
qYouForgotTheQ_OBJECT_Macro<const QCheckBox*>   0.00    0.00    100.00  328
QList<QVariant>::detach_helper  0.00    0.00    6.75    70
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::detach  0.00    0.00    54.59   108
qYouForgotTheQ_OBJECT_Macro<const QLineEdit*>   0.00    0.00    100.00  322
ircnet::sigIRCReceivedChanList  0.00    0.00    1.54    2
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::detach 0.00    0.00    61.90   76
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::const_iterator::const_iterator    0.00    0.00    100.00  140
QHash<char, ::QChar>::deleteNode2   0.00    0.00    71.15   146
QHash<QChar, char>::deleteNode2 0.00    0.00    68.55   146
netcoupler::sigGotChanList  0.00    0.00    1.53    2
const QPointer<ircnet>::operator const QPointer<ircnet>*    0.00    0.00    100.00  154
QList<QString>::clear   0.00    0.00    8.91    27
QDebug::operator << 0.00    0.00    35.84   6
QList<QPixmap*>::detach_helper_grow 0.00    0.00    79.01   1
QForeachContainer<const QList<QVariant>>::QForeachContainer 0.00    0.00    24.96   42
balloonHandler::tr  0.00    0.00    100.00  7
ircnet::disconnected    0.00    0.00    0.40    1
QList<QObject*>::const_iterator::operator ++    0.00    0.00    100.00  253
database_base::variantListToInt 0.00    0.00    15.28   10
const QList<QObject*>::const_iterator::operator !=  0.00    0.00    100.00  254
const ChanUserModel::metaObject 0.00    0.00    43.22   30
const QList<QVariant>::begin    0.00    0.00    50.20   49
qvariant_cast<QColor>   0.00    0.00    57.55   36
channelTab::tr  0.00    0.00    100.00  8
QList<QObject*>::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  253
QList<QVariant>::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  183
QWidget::resize 0.00    0.00    96.57   7
QHash<QString, int>::createNode 0.00    0.00    55.05   5
volumeslider::qt_metacast   0.00    0.00    100.00  11
qvariant_cast<QFont>    0.00    0.00    60.96   36
QTextCharFormat::setAnchorHref  0.00    0.00    100.00  4
QList<QPixmap*>::push_back  0.00    0.00    13.80   14
combobox_wrapper::qt_metacast   0.00    0.00    100.00  22
quithandler::quithandler    0.00    0.00    92.88   1
QMap<QString, >::detach_helper  0.00    0.00    83.96   5
const QList<QVariant>::end  0.00    0.00    54.37   49
const QString::arg  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QList<QObject*>::Node::t    0.00    0.00    100.00  253
const QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::contains  0.00    0.00    13.61   72
QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>::QFlags 0.00    0.00    100.00  165
QChar::QChar    0.00    0.00    100.00  146
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::detach_helper    0.00    0.00    56.34   5
netcoupler::getircip    0.00    0.03    0.06    1
netcoupler::joinchannel 0.00    0.01    0.27    1
QDebug::operator << 0.00    0.00    90.40   1
usermodel::~usermodel   0.00    0.00    40.49   1
std::swap<QImageData*>  0.00    0.00    73.30   24
qMax<unsigned int>  0.00    0.00    100.00  185
singleton<clantowebpagemapper>  0.00    0.00    7.40    1
qCleanupResources_pictureResource   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::begin  0.00    0.00    58.54   14
qYouForgotTheQ_OBJECT_Macro<const QSpinBox*>    0.00    0.00    100.00  205
pictureHandler::mapCountryCodeToNumber  0.00    0.00    36.28   1
QList<QVariant>::iterator::iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  108
QList<QNetworkReply*>::const_iterator::const_iterator   0.00    0.00    100.00  138
qYouForgotTheQ_OBJECT_Macro<const combobox_wrapper*>    0.00    0.00    100.00  188
QList<QVariant>::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  98
__tcf_3 0.00    0.00    0.30    1
const QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>::operator |   0.00    0.00    67.12   72
channelTab::qt_metacast 0.00    0.00    100.00  22
QList<QPixmap*>::detach 0.00    0.00    53.33   16
qInitResources_about    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const combobox_wrapper::metaObject  0.00    0.00    37.22   26
channelTab::setupWindowTitleOnJoin  0.00    0.00    68.22   1
qvariant_cast<QList<QVariant>>  0.00    0.00    41.20   6
operator |  0.00    0.00    82.33   6
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::detach 0.00    0.00    56.59   25
QSize::QSize    0.00    0.00    100.00  83
QHashNode<char, ::QChar>::QHashNode 0.00    0.00    100.00  146
MainWindow::qt_metacall 0.00    2.23    0.00    6
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    15.26   1
channelTab::gotdebugmsg 0.00    0.01    0.11    2
QDebug::QDebug  0.00    0.00    17.98   7
QHashNode<QChar, char>::QHashNode   0.00    0.00    100.00  146
const QMap<QString, >::keys 0.00    0.00    17.39   1
QList<QPixmap*>::end    0.00    0.00    27.00   15
volumeslider::setvalue  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
myDebugClass::operator <<   0.00    0.01    0.20    2
const WA_textcodec1251::aliases 0.00    0.00    31.08   3
QList<QByteArray>::detach_helper_grow   0.00    0.00    71.53   5
qobjectwrapper<MainWindow>::ref 0.00    0.00    100.00  33
QMap<QString, >::iterator::iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  148
netcoupler::sigdisconnected 0.00    0.00    0.25    1
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::detach_helper 0.00    0.00    91.80   1
netcoupler::sigconnected    0.00    0.03    0.04    1
serverTab::on_pbjoin_clicked    0.00    0.09    0.01    1
MainWindow::setleague   0.00    0.00    32.42   1
const QVariant::value<QList<const QVariant>>    0.00    0.00    26.57   6
QHash<QString, int>::freeData   0.00    0.00    64.22   1
QSpacerItem::QSpacerItem    0.00    0.00    55.15   13
qMetaTypeId<QList<QVariant>>    0.00    0.00    68.23   6
qobjectwrapper<awayhandler>::qobjectwrapper 0.00    0.00    26.48   1
QList<QPixmap*>::Node::t    0.00    0.00    100.00  14
qobjectwrapper<MainWindow>::qobjectwrapper  0.00    0.32    0.00    1
QList<QString>::operator =  0.00    0.00    26.17   27
netcoupler::emitSigGotChanList  0.00    0.00    0.71    2
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    39.49   1
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::alignment  0.00    0.00    78.45   25
QHash<QChar, char>::concrete    0.00    0.00    100.00  146
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::deleteNode2 0.00    0.00    8.91    36
const QPointer<serverTab>::operator ->  0.00    0.00    100.00  35
QMap<QString, >::freeData   0.00    0.00    45.57   2
quithandler::beforequit 0.00    4.49    0.00    2
Ui_volumesliderClass::retranslateUi 0.00    0.00    95.66   1
QHash<char, ::QChar>::concrete  0.00    0.00    100.00  146
__tcf_0 0.00    0.00    58.93   1
leagueserverhandler::startrefresh   0.00    0.00    74.91   1
QPointer<QMenu>::operator = 0.00    0.00    100.00  5
const QVariant::value<QFont>    0.00    0.00    22.56   36
QFlags<Qt::WindowType>::QFlags  0.00    0.00    100.00  58
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::detach_helper 0.00    0.00    44.71   2
qMetaTypeId<QFont>  0.00    0.00    72.53   36
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::node_create    0.00    0.00    60.20   3
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    37.69   1
QForeachContainer<const QList<QVariant>>::~QForeachContainer    0.00    0.00    35.68   42
qobjectwrapper<MainWindow>::isNull  0.00    0.00    100.00  31
leagueserverhandler::login  0.00    0.00    0.88    1
qMetaTypeId<QColor> 0.00    0.00    69.46   36
const QVariant::value<QColor>   0.00    0.00    18.27   36
const WA_textcodec1252::aliases 0.00    0.00    28.28   2
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    77.46   1
qSwap<QImageData*>  0.00    0.00    26.13   24
operator +  0.00    0.00    14.27   8
serverTab::set_chbautojoin  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const settingswindow::metaObject    0.00    0.00    46.09   22
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::iterator::iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  36
serverTab::set_chbminimized 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QImage::operator =  0.00    0.00    19.49   24
database_base::checkifexistsinstringlist    0.00    0.00    1.58    8
settingswindow::qt_metacast 0.00    0.00    100.00  11
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::alignOfNode 0.00    0.00    72.05   37
database_base::set  0.00    0.00    2.40    5
ircnet::sigconnected    0.00    0.03    0.02    1
const QSize::width  0.00    0.00    100.00  76
ircnet::sigIRCJoinedChannel 0.00    0.00    17.38   1
leagueserverhandler::sigloginsuccess    0.00    0.01    0.06    1
MainWindow::qt_metacast 0.00    0.00    100.00  11
QComboBox::addItem  0.00    0.00    0.63    9
const database_base::getbytearray   0.00    0.00    53.49   1
const QSize::height 0.00    0.00    100.00  76
clantowebpagemapper::qt_static_metacall 0.00    0.04    0.02    2
database_base::set  0.00    0.42    0.00    2
qCleanupResources_about 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QHash<QString, int>::alignOfNode    0.00    0.00    91.12   6
netcoupler::sigJoinedChannel    0.00    0.00    22.04   1
_GLOBAL__N_1::makeValidColumnName   0.00    0.00    92.59   1
channelTab::sigclosed   0.00    0.00    26.45   1
QList<QPixmap*>::node_construct 0.00    0.00    100.00  14
QList<QPixmap*>::iterator::iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  16
ircnet::sigdisconnected 0.00    0.00    0.12    1
QForeachContainer<QList<QVariant>>::QForeachContainer   0.00    0.00    18.58   7
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::~QHash  0.00    0.00    3.58    3
serverTab::fillSnpSettings  0.00    0.00    3.75    2
std::move<QImageData*&> 0.00    0.00    100.00  72
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::clear   0.00    0.00    23.30   2
snoppanet::sigircip 0.00    0.03    0.02    1
sqlsettings::~sqlsettings   0.00    0.00    0.18    1
QHash<QString, ::QList<userstruct>>::QHash  0.00    0.00    93.36   2
operator |  0.00    0.00    93.85   1
__tcf_8 0.00    0.00    48.54   1
__tcf_7 0.00    0.00    90.69   1
emoticonhandler::qt_metacast    0.00    0.00    100.00  11
QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant>>::qt_metatype_id   0.00    0.00    100.00  6
snoppanet::sigchannelscheme 0.00    0.00    22.27   1
const WA_textcodec1251::name    0.00    0.00    100.00  3
quithandler::~quithandler   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QHashNode<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::QHashNode    0.00    0.00    51.20   18
const QMap<QString, >::const_iterator::key  0.00    0.00    42.85   28
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::deleteNode2  0.00    0.00    4.08    18
const QMap<QString, >::end  0.00    0.00    71.58   25
QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>::QFlags 0.00    0.00    100.00  3
__tcf_0 0.00    0.00    46.89   1
const emoticonhandler::metaObject   0.00    0.00    47.28   13
chatFormatSettings::chatFormatSettings  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QLatin1String::latin1 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.05    0.01    1
MainWindow::connected   0.00    0.00    23.31   1
sqlsettings::sqlsettings    0.00    0.05    0.01    1
chatHandler::useSettingsWindow  0.00    0.00    19.56   1
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::alignOfNode  0.00    0.00    69.23   19
usermodel::clear    0.00    0.00    33.86   1
QPointer<snoppanet>::~QPointer  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    4.81    1
QMap<int, ::QString>::freeData  0.00    0.00    83.73   1
QSizePolicy::setHeightForWidth  0.00    0.00    100.00  35
QHash<QString, >::detach_helper 0.00    0.00    75.28   2
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::clear    0.00    0.00    0.10    5
QPointer<MainWindow>::QPointer  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QList<channelTab*>::detach_helper_grow  0.00    0.00    77.19   1
QPointer<ircnet>::operator =    0.00    0.00    100.00  2
QLayoutItem::QLayoutItem    0.00    0.00    76.17   13
QPointer<chatHandler>::operator =   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QForeachContainer<QList<chatwindow*>>::QForeachContainer    0.00    0.00    37.12   3
const WA_textcodec1252::name    0.00    0.00    100.00  3
combobox_wrapper::set   0.00    0.00    17.14   1
const HostModel::metaObject 0.00    0.00    42.10   15
QList<QByteArray>::node_construct   0.00    0.00    23.76   5
QList<QByteArray>::append   0.00    0.00    9.93    5
balloonHandler::hideTray    0.00    0.02    0.02    2
const QSizePolicy::hasHeightForWidth    0.00    0.00    100.00  35
QColor::QColor  0.00    0.00    100.00  36
QMetaTypeId2<QColor>::qt_metatype_id    0.00    0.00    100.00  36
quithandler::quit   0.00    0.00    95.01   1
qDebug  0.00    0.00    4.66    7
const QList<QPixmap*>::const_iterator::operator &U  0.00    0.00    24.02   14
QHash<char, ::QChar>::detach_helper 0.00    0.00    70.59   2
QMetaTypeId2<QFont>::qt_metatype_id 0.00    0.00    100.00  36
netcoupler::sendquit    0.00    0.01    0.05    2
QPointer<emoticonhandler>::operator =   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QList<QString>::indexOf   0.00    0.00    64.54   2
QHashNode<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::~QHashNode   0.00    0.00    2.91    18
const volumeslider::metaObject  0.00    0.00    30.46   8
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::detach_helper  0.00    0.00    71.41   1
QMap<QString, >::insert 0.00    0.00    8.92    4
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::QHash    0.00    0.00    73.76   6
QList<QPixmap*>::const_iterator::operator ++    0.00    0.00    67.19   14
const QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::size   0.00    0.00    100.00  14
QHash<QString, int>::detach_helper  0.00    0.00    77.22   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::last    0.00    0.00    0.61    3
QByteArray::detach  0.00    0.00    80.94   7
volumeslider::tr    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::operator =   0.00    0.00    24.22   5
netcoupler::stop    0.00    0.00    0.52    1
search_for_game_executables 0.00    0.00    6.02    1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::detach_helper_grow  0.00    0.00    71.92   1
QForeachContainer<QList<QVariant>>::~QForeachContainer  0.00    0.00    45.38   7
serverTab::qt_metacall  0.00    0.09    0.00    1
QPointer<chatHandler>::~QPointer    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QSizePolicy::QSizePolicy    0.00    0.00    100.00  27
QPointer<emoticonhandler>::~QPointer    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QStringList::QStringList    0.00    0.00    7.63    3
QHash<QChar, char>::detach_helper   0.00    0.00    74.51   2
QMap<QString, >::QMap   0.00    0.00    63.10   9
QMap<QString, >::~QMap  0.00    0.00    10.54   9
QPointer<snoppanet>::operator = 0.00    0.00    100.00  2
QMap<QString, >::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  33
QMap<int, ::QString>::node_create   0.00    0.00    67.21   1
QHash<QString, ::QList<QVariant>>::~QHash   0.00    0.01    0.04    6
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    65.79   1
balloonHandler::qt_static_metacall  0.00    0.03    0.01    2
WA_textcodec1251::~WA_textcodec1251 0.00    0.00    1.51    1
QList<channelTab*>::removeAll   0.00    0.00    39.42   3
chatHandler::~chatHandler   0.00    0.00    1.52    1
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::detach_helper  0.00    0.00    74.39   1
netcoupler::partchannel 0.00    0.00    0.92    1
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::concrete    0.00    0.00    100.00  36
snoppanet::~snoppanet   0.00    0.00    0.08    1
const usermodel::metaObject 0.00    0.00    16.45   7
qobject_cast<channelTab*>   0.00    0.00    48.50   2
combobox_wrapper::~combobox_wrapper 0.00    0.00    0.10    1
QList<channelTab*>::last    0.00    0.00    27.70   3
QPointer<ircnet>::~QPointer 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QPointer<serverTab>::operator = 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
qvariant_cast<QImage>   0.00    0.00    77.91   1
QVectorTypedData<QPair<double, ::QColor>>::free 0.00    0.00    100.00  2
QMap<int, ::QString>::detach_helper 0.00    0.00    67.28   1
channelTab::~channelTab 0.00    0.02    0.01    1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::end 0.00    0.00    49.73   3
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::detach_helper   0.00    0.00    70.42   1
const QMap<QString, >::const_iterator::operator !=  0.00    0.00    100.00  30
WA_textcodec1251::~WA_textcodec1251 0.00    0.00    1.26    1
MainWindow::windowclosed    0.00    0.00    14.68   1
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::detach_helper    0.00    0.00    77.24   1
const QList<chatwindow*>::begin 0.00    0.00    73.48   3
MainWindow::reopenChatWindowsAndChannelWindows  0.00    0.00    15.28   1
QList<channelTab*>::end 0.00    0.00    49.08   3
const clantowebpagemapper::metaObject   0.00    0.00    22.36   4
MainWindow::on_actionClose_triggered    0.00    2.23    0.00    1
QMap<QString, >::const_iterator::operator ++    0.00    0.00    100.00  24
QList<QByteArray>::operator <<  0.00    0.00    5.55    5
netcoupler::initSoundAndStartWho    0.00    0.03    0.01    1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::node_construct  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const balloonHandler::metaObject    0.00    0.00    55.24   6
QHash<QChar, char>::~QHash  0.00    0.00    1.36    2
database_base::append   0.00    0.00    4.06    1
const QList<channelTab*>::indexOf   0.00    0.00    63.82   3
QHash<QString, int>::deleteNode2    0.00    0.00    30.02   5
qobjectwrapper<awayhandler>::ref    0.00    0.00    100.00  2
QList<QByteArray>::QList    0.00    0.00    66.28   5
const quithandler::metaObject   0.00    0.00    61.28   4
leagueserverhandler::setleague  0.00    0.00    25.96   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::clear   0.00    0.00    3.53    2
qInitResources_pictureResource  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QHash<QString, >::~QHash    0.00    0.00    0.11    2
const QMapIterator<QString, >::hasNext  0.00    0.00    43.18   5
const soundHandler::metaObject  0.00    0.00    53.98   3
QList<QPixmap*>::free   0.00    0.00    90.52   1
const awayhandler::metaObject   0.00    0.00    60.06   4
ircnet::partchannel 0.00    0.00    1.10    1
channelTab::dropMenu    0.00    0.00    21.95   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    57.92   1
const ircnet::state 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
WA_textcodec1252::~WA_textcodec1252 0.00    0.00    0.99    1
quithandler::qt_static_metacall 0.00    2.28    0.00    2
QVector<QPair<double, ::QColor>>::free  0.00    0.00    32.40   2
QList<QPixmap*>::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  16
const QList<QPixmap*>::const_iterator::operator !=  0.00    0.00    100.00  15
QList<QPixmap*>::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  14
operator |  0.00    0.00    66.35   2
__tcf_6 0.00    0.00    23.46   1
const QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>::operator | 0.00    0.00    77.50   6
ircnet::~ircnet 0.00    0.00    0.19    1
std::swap<QMapData*>    0.00    0.00    66.99   3
const QMapIterator<QString, >::key  0.00    0.00    40.61   4
const QMap<QString, >::constEnd 0.00    0.00    74.45   6
qSwap<QMapData*>    0.00    0.00    39.72   3
QByteArray::data    0.00    0.00    28.45   7
netcoupler::ircstate    0.00    0.00    41.13   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::~QList  0.00    0.00    3.17    3
QRect::QRect    0.00    0.00    100.00  13
QList<chatwindow*>::~QList  0.00    0.00    60.14   5
const QList<channelTab*>::isEmpty   0.00    0.00    48.63   3
QForeachContainer<QList<QObject*>>::QForeachContainer   0.00    0.00    39.52   1
soundHandler::qt_static_metacall    0.00    0.00    0.71    1
QColor::QColor  0.00    0.00    100.00  5
QList<QNetworkRequest>::free    0.00    0.00    3.20    1
pictureHandler::~pictureHandler 0.00    0.00    0.20    1
QSizePolicy::setHorizontalStretch   0.00    0.00    100.00  14
QMap<QString, >::clear  0.00    0.00    17.28   3
QSizePolicy::setVerticalStretch 0.00    0.00    100.00  14
QHashNode<QString, int>::QHashNode  0.00    0.00    30.57   5
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::concrete 0.00    0.00    100.00  18
QVector<QPair<double, ::QColor>>::~QVector  0.00    0.00    19.48   2
MainWindow::sigdisconnected 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QList<QObject*>::free   0.00    0.00    93.78   1
QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>::QFlags   0.00    0.00    100.00  12
const QWidget::isHidden 0.00    0.00    73.07   2
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::alignment  0.00    0.00    77.00   4
QList<QByteArray>::QList    0.00    0.00    62.69   5
netcoupler::getscheme   0.00    0.00    9.02    1
netcoupler::ircdisconnected 0.00    0.00    0.03    1
QMap<QString, >::QMap   0.00    0.00    65.77   4
QList<chatwindow*>::QList   0.00    0.00    70.27   3
QList<chatwindow*>::QList   0.00    0.00    69.60   3
QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>::QFlags   0.00    0.00    100.00  13
QRect::QRect    0.00    0.00    100.00  6
operator << 0.00    0.00    1.27    2
QList<QString>::removeAt    0.00    0.00    15.30   1
QList<QPixmap*>::begin  0.00    0.00    9.99    1
QList<channelTab*>::append  0.00    0.00    17.67   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    38.04   1
QList<QString>::removeAll   0.00    0.00    23.22   1
netcoupler::lookedUpSnoopersIPAddress   0.00    0.00    100.00  2
QList<QString>::removeOne   0.00    0.00    9.14    1
__tcf_3 0.00    0.00    0.03    1
QList<QByteArray>::~QList   0.00    0.00    56.98   5
QList<channelTab*>::detach  0.00    0.00    63.29   4
const QPointer<QMenu>::isNull   0.00    0.00    100.00  8
QList<QByteArray>::node_copy    0.00    0.00    100.00  10
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::~QHash    0.00    0.75    0.00    2
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    4.61    1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    64.68   1
__tcf_4 0.00    0.00    0.04    1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    64.72   1
QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>::QFlags 0.00    0.00    100.00  10
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::QHash 0.00    0.00    73.42   2
QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>::QFlags  0.00    0.00    100.00  6
__tcf_0 0.00    0.00    0.14    1
const QList<chatwindow*>::end   0.00    0.00    60.66   3
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    66.73   1
QHashNode<QString, int>::~QHashNode 0.00    0.00    24.93   5
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::~QHash    0.00    0.00    0.14    2
const channelTab::qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro<const channelTab>  0.00    0.00    83.76   2
const database_base::getlist    0.00    0.00    7.98    1
__tcf_2 0.00    0.00    0.02    1
__tcf_0 0.00    0.00    43.08   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    58.86   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::append  0.00    0.00    13.29   1
QFlags<QDir::Filter>::QFlags    0.00    0.00    100.00  10
__tcf_0 0.00    0.00    0.03    1
QMap<QString, >::setInsertInOrder   0.00    0.00    100.00  6
__tcf_3 0.00    0.75    0.00    1
QMapIterator<QString, >::QMapIterator   0.00    0.00    44.14   1
QHash<char, ::QChar>::~QHash    0.00    0.00    0.48    2
__tcf_10    0.00    0.00    12.61   1
MainWindow::leagueserverconnectionsuccess   0.00    0.01    0.01    1
__tcf_3 0.00    0.00    83.20   1
__tcf_0 0.00    0.00    5.22    1
QFont::setBold  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QList<QObject*>::begin    0.00    0.00    83.86   1
netcoupler::ircconnected    0.00    0.03    0.00    1
QHash<QString, ::QList<userstruct>>::clear  0.00    0.00    25.86   1
inihandlerclass::inihandlerclass    0.00    0.00    5.75    1
QHash<QString, QPixmap*>::begin 0.00    0.00    38.42   1
netcoupler::emitSigJoinedChannel    0.00    0.00    2.77    1
QMap<int, ::QString>::alignment 0.00    0.00    73.62   2
soundHandler::verify_if_played  0.00    0.00    84.07   1
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::QHash   0.00    0.00    62.07   3
const QVector<QPair<double, ::QColor>>::alignOfTypedData    0.00    0.00    77.84   2
const QPointer<MainWindow>::operator -> 0.00    0.00    100.00  5
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::clear 0.00    0.00    20.63   1
QPointer<hostbox>::~QPointer    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__tcf_1 0.00    0.00    0.52    1
const QList<QNetworkRequest>::iterator::operator &U 0.00    0.00    63.30   3
QForeachContainer<QList<chatwindow*>>::~QForeachContainer   0.00    0.00    35.85   3
QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>::QFlags  0.00    0.00    100.00  8
__tcf_4 0.00    0.00    0.27    1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    62.61   1
QList<QString>::push_back   0.00    0.00    7.00    4
leagueserverhandler::stoprefresh    0.00    0.00    24.85   1
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::~QHash   0.00    0.00    0.48    1
QMap<int, ::QString>::~QMap 0.00    0.00    12.75   1
const QPointer<snoppanet>::operator const QPointer<snoppanet>*  0.00    0.00    100.00  6
QMapIterator<QString, >::next   0.00    0.00    63.23   4
const QPointer<snoppanet>::operator ->  0.00    0.00    100.00  5
QMap<QString, >::operator = 0.00    0.00    17.05   3
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    31.23   1
QList<QPixmap*>::~QList 0.00    0.00    24.73   1
std::move<QMapData*&>   0.00    0.00    100.00  9
QList<QNetworkRequest>::QList   0.00    0.00    60.59   3
QHash<QString, ::QVariant>::operator =  0.00    0.00    5.87    2
QHash<QString, int>::~QHash 0.00    0.00    3.83    1
QLinearGradient::~QLinearGradient   0.00    0.00    8.91    2
channelTab::setDocked   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>::QFlags   0.00    0.00    100.00  6
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::QHash 0.00    0.00    68.44   2
const QList<channelTab*>::iterator::operator &U 0.00    0.00    74.85   3
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    69.59   1
__tcf_5 0.00    0.00    1.35    1
__tcf_7 0.00    0.00    0.41    1
QList<channelTab*>::QList   0.00    0.00    12.25   2
QList<QObject*>::~QList 0.00    0.00    28.70   2
operator >> 0.00    0.00    0.19    1
const QWidget::testAttribute    0.00    0.00    100.00  3
ircnet::setip   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QList<channelTab*>::push_back   0.00    0.00    9.17    1
QList<chatwindow*>::const_iterator::const_iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  6
QHash<QString, >::QHash 0.00    0.00    66.67   2
QHash<QString, ::QList<usermessage>>::operator =    0.00    0.00    28.26   1
QCoreApplication::instance  0.00    0.00    100.00  3
QGradient::~QGradient   0.00    0.00    8.31    2
__tcf_9 0.00    0.00    42.83   1
__tcf_0 0.00    0.00    7.58    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    68.11   1
QList<chatwindow*>::clear   0.00    0.00    15.71   1
std::swap<QIconPrivate*>    0.00    0.00    65.67   1
__tcf_6 0.00    0.00    17.66   1
qMetaTypeId<QImage> 0.00    0.00    87.55   1
const QVariant::value<QImage>   0.00    0.00    16.08   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::operator =  0.00    0.00    14.11   2
QList<channelTab*>::iterator::iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  3
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    24.97   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    11.84   1
QHash<QString, ::QList<userstruct>>::~QHash 0.00    0.00    58.33   2
QList<chatwindow*>::operator =  0.00    0.00    22.17   1
__tcf_8 0.00    0.00    2.00    1
const QMap<QString, >::begin    0.00    0.00    81.70   1
QHash<char, ::QChar>::QHash 0.00    0.00    59.19   2
WA_textcodec1252::~WA_textcodec1252 0.00    0.00    0.30    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    59.67   1
QList<QPixmap*>::QList  0.00    0.00    72.18   1
const QList<chatwindow*>::isEmpty   0.00    0.00    55.45   2
const QList<QObject*>::end  0.00    0.00    67.59   1
const database_base::before_set 0.00    0.00    100.00  4
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    76.26   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    71.12   1
leagueserverhandler::reset  0.00    0.00    12.25   1
QMap<QString, >::const_iterator::operator ++    0.00    0.00    100.00  4
qSwap<QIconPrivate*>    0.00    0.00    32.73   1
awayhandler::away   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QMap<QString, ::QImage>::QMap   0.00    0.00    72.40   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    59.11   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    61.33   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    25.12   1
const QFlags<QDir::Filter>::operator |  0.00    0.00    76.21   2
QList<QObject*>::QList  0.00    0.00    73.21   1
QTimer::setSingleShot   0.00    0.00    100.00  4
qCleanupResources_pictureResource__dest_class__::~qCleanupResources_pictureResource__dest_class__   0.00    0.00    2.60    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    77.49   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    50.35   1
const QKeyEvent::key    0.00    0.00    100.00  4
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    52.96   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    82.66   1
QHash<QChar, char>::QHash   0.00    0.00    53.36   2
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    1.40    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    75.94   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    52.43   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    20.47   1
QList<QPixmap*>::node_copy  0.00    0.00    100.00  2
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    55.16   1
const QMap<QString, >::constBegin   0.00    0.00    75.96   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    13.68   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    52.47   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.05    0.00    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    79.65   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    3.58    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    80.95   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    56.49   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    80.84   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    52.78   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    74.72   1
QIcon::operator =   0.00    0.00    21.08   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    79.75   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    17.62   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    50.59   1
QList<channelTab*>::iterator::operator --   0.00    0.00    100.00  3
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    80.50   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    55.46   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    10.43   1
const QByteArray::operator const char*  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    48.83   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    80.13   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    68.68   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    78.98   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    80.00   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    78.98   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::iterator::iterator  0.00    0.00    100.00  3
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    78.85   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    79.22   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    78.21   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    71.18   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    59.50   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::node_copy   0.00    0.00    100.00  2
std::move<QIconPrivate*&>   0.00    0.00    100.00  3
__tcf_6 0.00    0.00    33.43   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    55.72   1
const QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>::operator |   0.00    0.00    6.06    2
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    51.16   1
const QList<chatwindow*>::const_iterator::operator !=   0.00    0.00    100.00  3
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    46.58   1
const QWidget::isVisible    0.00    0.00    60.34   1
const QPointer<chatHandler>::operator const QPointer<chatHandler>*  0.00    0.00    100.00  2
QHash<QString, int>::QHash  0.00    0.00    65.64   1
QList<QAction*>::~QList 0.00    0.00    57.53   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QPointer<QMenu>::QPointer   0.00    0.00    100.00  2
inihandlerclass::~inihandlerclass   0.00    0.00    4.49    1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QMap<QString, QMap<, >>::QMap   0.00    0.00    66.88   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QMap<QString, const QWidget*>::~QMap    0.00    0.00    66.45   1
QList<channelTab*>::node_destruct   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QPointer<hostbox>::QPointer 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QMapIterator<QString, >::~QMapIterator  0.00    0.00    37.11   1
QList<channelTab*>::node_copy   0.00    0.00    100.00  2
ircMessage::getRaw  0.00    0.00    28.14   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    28.83   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    74.60   1
QForeachContainer<QList<QObject*>>::~QForeachContainer  0.00    0.00    12.05   1
__tcf_3 0.00    0.00    24.73   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    51.38   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    77.31   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QMap<QString, const QWidget*>::QMap 0.00    0.00    42.40   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QHash<int, ::QTextCharFormat>::QHash    0.00    0.00    58.94   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    69.29   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    67.69   1
const QList<QString>::count 0.00    0.00    53.05   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    59.44   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    56.76   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    66.67   1
__tcf_5 0.00    0.00    28.19   1
QHash<QString, ::QList<userstruct>>::operator = 0.00    0.00    17.00   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    7.26    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    46.11   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QList<QObject*>::QList  0.00    0.00    56.08   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
qCleanupResources_about__dest_class__::~qCleanupResources_about__dest_class__   0.00    0.00    3.34    1
QMap<int, ::QString>::QMap  0.00    0.00    54.00   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    65.04   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QList<QNetworkRequest>::size  0.00    0.00    55.94   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    49.69   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    69.03   1
__tcf_4 0.00    0.00    37.32   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QSize::QSize    0.00    0.00    100.00  2
__tcf_4 0.00    0.00    35.48   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    61.60   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    70.64   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    62.10   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    71.96   1
QPointer<ircnet>::QPointer  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QMap<QString, >::size 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    66.09   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    71.03   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    63.33   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    47.80   1
qobjectwrapper<MainWindow>::~qobjectwrapper 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    66.67   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    65.49   1
__tcf_7 0.00    0.00    28.03   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    34.60   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    41.95   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    48.34   1
QList<QObject*>::const_iterator::const_iterator 0.00    0.00    100.00  2
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    56.69   1
QList<QNetworkRequest>::push_back   0.00    0.00    2.65    1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    10.48   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    72.16   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    39.77   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    53.44   1
qYouForgotTheQ_OBJECT_Macro<const channelTab*>  0.00    0.00    100.00  2
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    39.43   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    37.50   1
channelTab::expandchannels  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    31.48   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    56.78   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    58.93   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    60.00   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    62.26   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    33.67   1
QList<QPixmap*>::node_destruct  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
const QPointer<QMenu>::operator ->  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
chatFormatSettings::~chatFormatSettings 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    67.01   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    41.40   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    36.16   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    60.38   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    45.65   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    71.59   1
const QPointer<serverTab>::operator const QPointer<serverTab>*  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    60.61   1
_GLOBAL 0.00    0.00    34.88   1
__tcf_11    0.00    0.00    6.83    1
__tcf_6 0.00    0.00    0.82    1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    55.77   1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
qCleanupResources_about__dest_class__::qCleanupResources_about__dest_class__    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QPointer<serverTab>::QPointer   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QPointer<chatHandler>::QPointer 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
ircnet::tcpError    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
qobjectwrapper<awayhandler>::~qobjectwrapper    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
myDebugClass::myDebugClass  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
usermodel::usesettingswindow    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QPointer<snoppanet>::QPointer   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QEvent::ignore  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QList<QObject*>::node_destruct  0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QPointer<emoticonhandler>::QPointer 0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0   0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QMetaTypeId2<QImage>::qt_metatype_id    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
qCleanupResources_pictureResource__dest_class__::qCleanupResources_pictureResource__dest_class__    0.00    0.00    100.00  1
QList<channelTab*>::node_construct  0.00    0.00    100.00  1