dbashford / mimosa

A lightning-fast, modular, next generation browser development tool.
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Error: spawn EMFILE when invoking mimosa build or mimosa watch ... #174

Closed breathe closed 11 years ago

breathe commented 11 years ago

I started getting this error and I don't know how to fix it or the cause ... I was doing several things at the same time and recently upgraded mimosa versions to the latest release and ran mimosa refresh -- however I believe I triggered this problem before upgrading. Other mimosa projects are able to start up just fine ...

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I feel like this is possibly a user error -- although the error message isn't very useful -- so I'm not sure if github is the wrong place for this question ... I've copied details about ...

$ mimosa watch --server
14:58:14 - Watching /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit/assets
14:58:14 - No module has registered for extension: [[ pl ]], file: [[ /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit/assets/javascripts/vendor/components/showdown/perlMarkdown/Markdown-1.0.2b2.pl ]]
14:58:14 - No module has registered for extension: [[ pl ]], file: [[ /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit/assets/javascripts/vendor/components/showdown/perlMarkdown/Markdown-1.0.2b7.pl ]]
14:58:14 - No module has registered for extension: [[ php ]], file: [[ /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit/assets/javascripts/vendor/components/uri.js/utils/SLDs.php ]]
14:58:14 - No module has registered for extension: [[ csv ]], file: [[ /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit/assets/javascripts/vendor/components/d3/test/data/sample.csv ]]
14:58:14 - No module has registered for extension: [[ tsv ]], file: [[ /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit/assets/javascripts/vendor/components/d3/test/data/sample.tsv ]]

    throw errnoException(process._errno, 'spawn');
Error: spawn EMFILE
    at errnoException (child_process.js:975:11)
    at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process.js:922:11)
    at exports.spawn (child_process.js:710:9)
    at Object.exports.execFile (child_process.js:602:15)
    at exports.exec (child_process.js:573:18)
    at growl (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mimosa/node_modules/logmimosa/node_modules/growl/lib/growl.js:233:3)
    at Logger._log (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mimosa/node_modules/logmimosa/index.coffee:62:9)
    at Logger.error (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mimosa/node_modules/logmimosa/index.coffee:116:19)
    at Logger.error (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mimosa/node_modules/logmimosa/index.coffee:3:61)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/mimosa/lib/modules/file/read.coffee:40:20
    at fs.js:207:20
    at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)


$ cat mimosa-config.coffee
# All of the below are mimosa defaults and only need to be uncommented in the event you want
# to override them.
# IMPORTANT: Be sure to comment out all of the nodes from the base to the option you want to
# override. If you want to turn change the source directory you would need to uncomment watch
# and sourceDir. Also be sure to respect coffeescript indentation rules.  2 spaces per level
# please!

exports.config = {

  # minMimosaVersion:null   # The minimum Mimosa version that must be installed to use the
                            # project. Defaults to null, which means Mimosa will not check
                            # the version.  This is a no-nonsense way for big teams to ensure
                            # everyone stays up to date with the blessed Mimosa version for a
                            # project.

  The list of Mimosa modules to use for this application. The defaults (lint, server, require,
  minify, live-reload) come bundled with Mimosa and do not need to be installed.  The 'mimosa-'
  that preceeds all Mimosa module names is assumed, however you can use it if you want.  If a
  module is listed here that Mimosa is unaware of, Mimosa will attempt to install it.
  modules: ['lint', 'server', 'minify', 'live-reload']

  # watch:
    # sourceDir: "assets"                # directory location of web assets, can be relative to
                                         # the project root, or absolute
    # compiledDir: "public"              # directory location of compiled web assets, can be
                                         # relative to the project root, or absolute
    # javascriptDir: "javascripts"       # Location of precompiled javascript (i.e.
                                         # coffeescript), must be relative to sourceDir
    # exclude: [/[/\\](\.|~)[^/\\]+$/]   # regexes or strings matching the files to be
                                         # ignored by mimosa, the default matches all sorts of
                                         # dot files and temp files. Strings are paths and can
                                         # be relative to sourceDir or absolute.
    # throttle: 0                        # number of file adds the watcher handles before
                                         # taking a 100 millisecond pause to let those files
                                         # finish their processing. This helps avoid EMFILE
                                         # issues for projects containing large numbers of
                                         # files that all get copied at once. If the throttle
                                         # is set to 0, no throttling is performed. Recommended
                                         # to leave this set at 0, thedefault, until you start
                                         # encountering EMFILE problems.

  # compilers:
    # extensionOverrides:       # A list of extension overrides, format is:
                                # [compilerName]:[arrayOfExtensions], see
                                # http://mimosajs.com/compilers.html for list of compiler names
      # coffee: ["coff"]        # This is an example override, this is not a default, must be
                                # array of strings

  coffeescript:               # config settings for coffeescript
    sourceMap:true            # whether to generate source during "mimosa watch".  Source maps
                                # are not generated during "mimosa build" regardless of setting.
    bare:false                 # whether or not to include the top level wrapper around each
                                # compiled coffeescript file. Defaults to not wrapping as
                                # wrapping with define/require is assumed.

  # iced:                       # config settings for iced coffeescript
    # bare:true                 # whether or not to include the top level wrapper around each
                                # compiled iced file. Defaults to not wrapping as wrapping with
                                # define/require is assumed.

  # typescript:                 # config settings for typescript
    # module: null              # how compiled tyepscript is wrapped, defaults to no wrapping,
                                # can be "amd" or "commonjs"

  stylus:                     # config settings for stylus
    use:['nib', 'roots-css']               # names of libraries to use, should match the npm name for
                                # the desired libraries

    amdWrap: false                   # Whether or not to wrap the compiled template files in
                                      # an AMD wrapper for use with require.js
    # outputFileName: "templates"     # the file all templates are compiled into, is relative
                                      # to watch.javascriptDir.

    # outputFileName:                 # outputFileName Alternate Config 1
      # hogan:"javascripts/hogans"    # Optionally outputFileName can be provided an object of
      # jade:"javascripts/jades"      # file extension to file name in the event you are using
                                      # multiple templating libraries. The file extension must
                                      # match one of the default compiler extensions or one of
                                      # the extensions configured for a compiler in the
                                      # compilers.extensionOverrides section above.

    # output: [{                      # output Alternate Config 2
    #   folders:[""]                  # Use output instead of outputFileName if you want
    #   outputFileName: ""            # to break up your templates into multiple files, for
    # }]                              # instance, if you have a two page app and want the
                                      # templates for each page to be built separately.
                                      # For each entry, provide an array of folders that
                                      # contain the templates to combine.  folders entries are
                                      # relative to watch.javascriptDir and must exist.
                                      # outputFileName works identically to outputFileName
                                      # above, including the alternate config, however, no
                                      # default file name is assumed. An output name must be
                                      # provided for each output entry, and the names
                                      # must be unique.

    # handlebars:                     # handlebars specific configuration
      # helpers:["app/template/handlebars-helpers"]  # the paths from watch.javascriptDir to
                                      # the files containing handlebars helper/partial
                                      # registrations
      #ember:                        # Ember.js has its own Handlebars compilation needs,
                                      # use this config block to provide Ember specific
                                      # Handlebars configuration.
        #enabled: false              # Whether or not to use the Ember Handlebars compiler
        #path: "vendor/ember"        # location of the Ember library, this is used as
                                      # as a dependency in the compiled templates.

  # the extensions of files to copy from sourceDir to compiledDir. vendor js/css, images, etc.
  # copy:
    # extensions: ["js","css","png","jpg","jpeg","gif","html","eot","svg","ttf","woff","otf","yaml","kml","ico","htc","htm","json","txt","xml","xsd","map","md"]    

  # growl:
    # onStartup: false       # Controls whether or not to Growl when assets successfully
                             # compile/copy on startup, If you've got 100 CoffeeScript files,
                             # and you do a clean and then start watching, you'll get 100 Growl
                             # notifications.  This is set to false by default to prevent that.
                             # Growling for every successful file on startup can also cause
                             # EMFILE issues. See watch.throttle
    # onSuccess:             # Controls whether to Growl when assets successfully compile/copy
      # javascript: true     # growl on successful compilation? will always send on failure
      # css: true            # growl on successful compilation? will always send on failure
      # template: true       # growl on successful compilation? will always send on failure
      # copy: true           # growl on successful copy?    

  server:                      # configuration for server when server option is enabled via CLI
    # defaultServer:
      # enabled: false           # whether or not mimosa starts a default server for you, when
                                 # true, mimosa starts its own on the port below, when false,
                                 # Mimosa will use server provided by path below
      # onePager: false          # Whether or not your app is a one page application. When set to
                                 # true, all routes will be pointed at index
    # path: 'server.coffee'      # valid when defaultServer.enabled: false, path to file for provided
                                 # server which must contain export startServer method that takes
                                 # an enriched mimosa-config object
    # port: 3000                 # port to start server on
    # base: ''                   # base of url for the app, if altered should start with a slash
    views:                     # configuration for the view layer of your application
      compileWith: 'handlebars'      # Valid options: "jade", "hogan", "html", "ejs", "handlebars".
                                 # The compiler for your views.
      extension: 'hbs'        # extension of your server views
      path: 'views'            # This is the path to project views, it can be absolute or
                                 # relative. If defaultServer.enabled is true, it is relative to the
                                 # root of the project. If defaultServer.enabled is false it is
                                 # relative to the server.path setting above.   

  # require:                 # configuration for requirejs options.
    # commonConfig: "common" # The path from 'javascriptDir' to the location of common requirejs
                             # config. This is config shared across multiple requirejs modules.
                             # The should be or a requirejs.config({}) function call. Defaults
                             # to a file named `common` in the root of the javascriptDir. Does
                             # not need to exist, so can be left alone if a commonConfig is not
                             # being used.
    # verify:                # settings for requirejs path verification
      # enabled: true        # Whether or not to perform verification
    # optimize :
      # inferConfig:true     # Mimosa figures out all you'd need for a simple r.js optimizer run.
                             # If you rather Mimosa not do that, set inferConfig to false and
                             # provide your config in the overrides section. See here
                             # https://github.com/dbashford/mimosa#requirejs-optimizer-defaults
                             # to see what the defaults are.
      # overrides:           # Optimization configuration and Mimosa overrides. If you need to
                             # make tweaks uncomment this line and add the r.js config
                             # (http://requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html#options) as new
                             # paramters inside the overrides ojbect. To unset Mimosa's defaults,
                             # set a property to null.
                             # overrides can also be a function that takes mimosa-require's
                             # inferred config for each module. This allows the inferred config
                             # to be updated and enhanced instead of just overridden.   

  # minify:                     # Configuration for non-require minification/compression via
                                # uglify using the --minify flag.
    # exclude:[/\.min\./]       # List of string paths and regexes to match files to exclude
                                # when running minification. Any path with ".min." in its name,
                                # like jquery.min.js, is assumed to already be minified and is
                                # ignored by default. Paths can be relative to the
                                # watch.compiledDir, or absolute.  Paths are to compiled files,
                                # so '.js' rather than '.coffee'    

  # lint:                      # settings for js, css linting/hinting
    # exclude:[]               # array of strings or regexes that match files to not lint,
                               # strings are paths that can be relative to the watch.compiledDir
                               # or absolute
    # compiled:                # settings for compiled files
      # javascript:true        # fire jshint on successful compile of meta-language to javascript
      # css:true               # fire csslint on successful compile of meta-language to css
    # copied:                  # settings for copied files, files already in .css and .js files
      # javascript: true       # fire jshint for copied javascript files
      # css: true              # fire csslint for copied css files
    # vendor:                  # settings for vendor files
      # javascript: false      # fire jshint for copied vendor javascript files (like jquery)
      # css: false             # fire csslint for copied vendor css files (like bootstrap)
    # rules:                   # All hints/lints come with defaults built in.  Here is where
                               # you'd override those defaults. Below is listed an example of an
                               # overridden default for each lint type, also listed, next to the
                               # lint types is the url to find the settings for overriding.
      # jshintrc: ".jshintrc"  # This is the path, either relative to the root of the project or
                               # absolute, to a .jshintrc file. By default mimosa will look at
                               # the root of the project for this file. The file does not need to
                               # be present. If it is present, it must be valid JSON. To learn
      # javascript:            # Settings: http://www.jshint.com/options/, these settings will
                               # override any settings set up in the jshintrc
        # plusplus: true       # This is an example override, this is not a default
      # css:                   # Settings: https://github.com/stubbornella/csslint/wiki/Rules
        # floats: false        # This is an example override, this is not a default 

  # liveReload:                   # Configuration for live-reload
    # enabled:true                # Whether or not live-reload is enabled
    # additionalDirs:["views"]    # Additional directories outside the watch.compiledDir
                                  # that you would like to have trigger a page refresh,
                                  # like, by default, static views. Is string path,
                                  # can be relative to project root, or absolute

The node version and npm modules:

node --version

npm ls
dryit@0.0.1 /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit
├── coffee-script@1.6.2
├── consolidate@0.8.0
├─┬ express@3.1.0
│ ├── buffer-crc32@0.1.1
│ ├── commander@0.6.1
│ ├─┬ connect@2.7.2
│ │ ├── bytes@0.1.0
│ │ ├── formidable@1.0.11
│ │ ├── pause@0.0.1
│ │ └── qs@0.5.1
│ ├── cookie@0.0.5
│ ├── cookie-signature@0.0.1
│ ├── debug@0.7.2
│ ├── fresh@0.1.0
│ ├── methods@0.0.1
│ ├── mkdirp@0.3.3
│ ├── range-parser@0.0.4
│ └─┬ send@0.1.0
│   └── mime@1.2.6
├─┬ handlebars@1.0.10
│ ├─┬ optimist@0.3.7
│ │ └── wordwrap@0.0.2
│ └── uglify-js@1.2.6
└── roots-css@0.1.11
dbashford commented 11 years ago

Big project? Lots of files?

dbashford commented 11 years ago

Nope! Your issue made me realize there was something else worth adding to the FAQ/About section of the website. Busy typing it up now. Will let you know when I'm done.

(check out the watch.throttle setting)

breathe commented 11 years ago

Ah I see -- I added a bunch of components via bower beneath javascripts/vendor/components. I don't need this directory subject to 'watch' so I tried to add a string to watch.exclude configuration. Now I'm getting:

$ mimosa build
15:36:34 - Beginning build
15:36:34 - FATAL: Improperly formatted configuration file [[ /Users/ncohen/software/webdev/dryit/mimosa-config.coffee ]]: TypeError: object is not a function

I think there's a syntax error on the regex in the default mimosa-config.coffee? I generated a new config and checked -- here's the regex:

# exclude: [/[/\\](\.|~)[^/\\]+$/]   # regexes or strings matching the files to be

If I uncomment that line I get the above syntax error...

dbashford commented 11 years ago

http://mimosajs.com/about.html, added EMFILE section.

On the regex...did you uncomment watch too?

dbashford commented 11 years ago

Worth noting, that if you exclude it, Mimosa literally does nothing to it. So it won't move those files to watch.compiledDir if you needed them there for serving purposes.

dbashford commented 11 years ago

You cannot just uncomment exclude, you need to uncomment watch above it too, otherwise you get exactly the error you are seeing. Are you doing that?

breathe commented 11 years ago

Of course -- I didn't uncomment the watch. Sorry about that! It was good excuse to go learn javascript regular expression syntax anyway.

Setting the throttle solves it! Does the node platform have a way to detect the underlying os's file descriptor limit -- might allow deducing a sane value for this parameter ...?

dbashford commented 11 years ago

Not that I know of. The setting is for how many files to process every 100 milliseconds. I'd guess if you set it at 100, you'd be fine. It'll still be really fast, just not too fast for node to outstrip the OS. And it really only effects you on startup/build. If you are running watch, once you get going you aren't changing enough files fast enough to cause any trouble. One of the projects at my company uses 300, another 150. Just need to put up a sufficient road block to slow Mimosa down a little bit.

breathe commented 11 years ago

got it. Never thought about how easy it is for asynchronous file processing to hit up against the file descriptor limit. Thanks for the help and explanation!!

krokhale commented 10 years ago

For anyone not able to resolve this with throttle, this worked for me:
