What do pwd, cd, & vim stand for? Take your time and do a little research.
Start with man $command (where $command is the item you wish to learn about)
Google anything that confuses you. Including the man command.
What does $_ do?
If you have any troubles with vim, google them. You can never escape vim.
How can you initalize a git repository without cloning a project?
How would you let git know where to upload your files?
Is GitHub the only place to host your git repositories?
If your upload to GitHub failed:
Why did your file fail to upload to GitHub? Take some time and read the errors.
Correct the problems and attempt to upload your files again.
More problems? Back to step 5.1!
Once you've completed the tasks and made a comment here to answer the word problems of the problem set, feel free to close this issue. Then ping me by typing "@krak-n" in your comment so I can check your work and prepare the next issue for you.
There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.
No matter how stuck you feel at any point in your learning process, just keep trying.
Not a file in this repository, and there's already an issue!
Things you need installed for this lesson:
Open a terminal and figure out where you are:
Chances are that if you just logged in, that it will be:
Start a directory for all of your git projects:
Clone this repository:
Move into the project's folder:
Create a README.md file for this repository:
Example: Here
View the status of your repository:
Add your README to git's list of tracked files:
Upload your README.md to GitHub:
Problem Set:
, &vim
stand for? Take your time and do a little research.man $command
(where $command is the item you wish to learn about)man
, google them. You can never escapevim
repository without cloning a project?git
repositories?Once you've completed the tasks and made a comment here to answer the word problems of the problem set, feel free to close this issue. Then ping me by typing "@krak-n" in your comment so I can check your work and prepare the next issue for you.
No matter how stuck you feel at any point in your learning process, just keep trying.