dbcli / mycli

A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
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Option to disable printing the whole query when running a favorite query #1118

Open Antzelino opened 1 year ago

Antzelino commented 1 year ago


Right now I have some favorite queries which are a bit large and when running a favorite query, as of right now, first it prints the whole query with the variables in it having the actual value I passed and then shows the results.

This can be useful, but other times not, so for my case it takes up a lot of lines and I don't need it to show the whole query, I only want to see the result.

Would it be easy to add somewhere such an option? Perhaps enable it or disable it either globally, like in the .myclirc file, or on the fly while running mycli, just like we can enable and disable pagination? I think it would be very useful to have this small QoL addition/feature.