dbcli / mycli

A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
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windows bat for mycli doesn't work... #1130

Closed flamusagi closed 10 months ago

flamusagi commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am a freshman for mycli, and I write a bat to make mycli start quickly,but it doesn't work. But the same way mysql can do it. Can you teach me how to write a correct bat or just something else? Thank you.

Bat below: call activate py37

mycli -u root -p 123456

rem mysql -u root -p

Dos window: (py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>mycli -u root -p 123456

(py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>call activate py37

(py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>conda.bat activate py37

(py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>mycli -u root -p 123456

(py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>call activate py37

(py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>conda.bat activate py37

and i use mysql in the same way(just cancel the comment, mysql -u root -p):

Dos window:

E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>call activate py37

(py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>rem mycli -u root -p 123456

(py37) E:\Anaconda\envs\py37\Start_mycli>mysql -u root -p Enter password: ** Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 36 Server version: 5.7.43 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Hope i can get your help. :)