@j-bennet I moved the tuple key but it does not change anything. This is unused. I can't find this in the code so no way to write a test for that.
I tried to extend the tests but it breaks other tests so it's a bit complicated.
In this pr I also added a docker file and a script to run the tests against multiple versions of postgres using a single command
And I made a simple formatter for the headers - this way in the quotes in the queries are redundant.
nothing really to add to the changelog.
[x] I've added this contribution to the changelog.rst.
[x] I installed pre-commit hooks (pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install), and ran black on my code.
[x] Please squash merge this pull request (uncheck if you'd like us to merge as multiple commits)
@j-bennet I moved the tuple key but it does not change anything. This is unused. I can't find this in the code so no way to write a test for that. I tried to extend the tests but it breaks other tests so it's a bit complicated. In this pr I also added a docker file and a script to run the tests against multiple versions of postgres using a single command And I made a simple formatter for the headers - this way in the quotes in the queries are redundant.
nothing really to add to the changelog.
.pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install
), and ranblack
on my code.