The string is split in 2 and and concatenated implicitly, but the f-string is applied only to the first one, which has no variables to replace, while the second one does and inserts a literal {oid}
this is breaking \d on patterns with a pg syntax error e.g:
\d mytabl*
[ ] I've added this contribution to the changelog.rst.
[x] I installed pre-commit hooks (pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install), and ran black on my code.
[x] Please squash merge this pull request (uncheck if you'd like us to merge as multiple commits)
The string is split in 2 and and concatenated implicitly, but the f-string is applied only to the first one, which has no variables to replace, while the second one does and inserts a literal
this is breaking
on patterns with a pg syntax error e.g:\d mytabl*
.pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install
), and ranblack
on my code.