dbcls / LinkedData-Agora

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rdfs:seeAlso query for validatie uses http://identifiers.org/ #160

Closed egonw closed 3 years ago

egonw commented 3 years ago

In this validation report:


The query has a FILTER at the end looking for http://identifiers.org/. I am not sure why that filter is there, but we actually switched in the February 2021 release to https://identifiers.org/ URLs (httpS instead of http), so it no longer finds such rdfs:seeAlso and owl:sameAs links anymore.

yayamamo commented 3 years ago

It might be due to that the URIs beginning with "http://identifiers.org/" were assumed as primary ones in WikiPathways RDF data. Now it has been deleted.

egonw commented 3 years ago

Yes, we moved only this year from http to https (for identifiers.org). Thanks for the update!

yayamamo commented 3 years ago

Update done.