dbdimitrov / BingleSeq

BingleSeq - A user-friendly R package for Bulk and Single-cell RNA-Seq data analyses
MIT License
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encountered data format error when running DE analysis after batch correction #5

Closed UMKG closed 3 years ago

UMKG commented 3 years ago


I encountered an Data format error when running Differential Expression with batch correction, but didn't without the correction process. The error messages are described below:

警告:  'show_waiter' is deprecated.
Use 'waiter_show' instead.
See help("Deprecated") and help("waiter-deprecated").
 警告:  'hide_waiter' is deprecated.
Use 'waiter_hide' instead.
See help("Deprecated") and help("waiter-deprecated").
 警告:  Error in rownames_to_column: is.data.frame(df) is not TRUE
  113: <Anonymous>

Thank you.

dbdimitrov commented 3 years ago


Could you please provide your session info and the header of the metadata table that you are using?

Best regards, Daniel