dbeauregard / pivotalspring

This is a 'pivotal' (a.k.a., key) demo application for Spring.
Apache License 2.0
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CD to GCP CloudRun gives authZ error #1

Open dbeauregard opened 4 weeks ago

dbeauregard commented 4 weeks ago

CD to GCP CloudRun gives authZ error: Running: gcloud run deploy pivotalspring-prod --image dbeauregard/pivotalspring:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --update-labels ^,^managed-by=github-actions,commit-sha=41584d44d82e7fcf03fd586c992c1cd93bb86a0e --format json --region us-central1 Error: google-github-actions/deploy-cloudrun failed with: failed to execute gcloud command gcloud run deploy pivotalspring-prod --image dbeauregard/pivotalspring:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --update-labels ^,^managed-by=github-actions,commit-sha=41584d44d82e7fcf03fd586c992c1cd93bb86a0e --format json --region us-central1: ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'run.services.get' denied on resource 'namespaces//services/pivotalspring-prod' (or resource may not exist). This command is authenticated as principal://iam.googleapis.com/projects//locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/github/subject/repo:dbeauregard/pivotalspring:ref:refs/tags/v0.1 using the credentials in /home/runner/work/pivotalspring/pivotalspring/gha-creds-8bbfed0714301799.json, specified by the [auth/credential_file_override] property.

dbeauregard commented 2 days ago

Working now. Must make sure to bump the version (TAG) and release. Now need to clean up and set the properties and version.