Closed Fran-Rg closed 11 months ago
Hi, I would like to enable cloudbeaver to have "Enable Private Connection" enabled by default.
I think the closest I could find what this flag in the cloudbeaver.conf: customConnectionsEnabled: true
customConnectionsEnabled: true
I've tried with the following:
{ server: { serverPort: 8978, workspaceLocation: "workspace", contentRoot: "web", driversLocation: "drivers", rootURI: "/", serviceURI: "/api/", productConfiguration: "conf/product.conf", expireSessionAfterPeriod: 1800000, develMode: false, enableSecurityManager: false, database: { driver="h2_embedded", url: "jdbc:h2:${workspace}/.data/cb.h2.dat", createDatabase: true, initialDataConfiguration: "conf/initial-data.conf", pool: { minIdleConnections: 4, maxIdleConnections: 10, maxConnections: 100, validationQuery: "SELECT 1" } } }, app: { anonymousAccessEnabled: false, anonymousUserRole: "user", grantConnectionsAccessToAnonymousTeam: false, supportsCustomConnections: false, showReadOnlyConnectionInfo: false, forwardProxy: false, publicCredentialsSaveEnabled: true, adminCredentialsSaveEnabled: true, resourceManagerEnabled: true, <---- customConnectionsEnabled: true, <---- resourceQuotas: { dataExportFileSizeLimit: 10000000, resourceManagerFileSizeLimit: 500000, sqlMaxRunningQueries: 100, sqlResultSetRowsLimit: 100000, sqlResultSetMemoryLimit: 2000000, sqlTextPreviewMaxLength: 4096, sqlBinaryPreviewMaxLength: 261120 }, enabledAuthProviders: [ "local", "reverseProxy" ], disabledDrivers: [ "sqlite:sqlite_jdbc", "h2:h2_embedded", "clickhouse:yandex_clickhouse" ] } }
But on start up I had to enable it on the admin console, is it not supported? Is it meant to be set somewhere else?
Value is supportsCustomConnections I should have read
Hi, I would like to enable cloudbeaver to have "Enable Private Connection" enabled by default.
I think the closest I could find what this flag in the cloudbeaver.conf:
customConnectionsEnabled: true
I've tried with the following:
But on start up I had to enable it on the admin console, is it not supported? Is it meant to be set somewhere else?