Hello and sorry to open this issue again, but I think I found a specific bug related to autocomplete:
While I wrote the following query, autocomplete always worked great:
prod.codice AS "ID",
mag.sku AS "EAN",
upper(TRANSLATE(prod.codiceproduttore, '\/:*?<>|-_ .', '')) AS "CODICE BONIFICATO",
marca.nomeit AS "MARCA",
genere.nomeit AS "SESSO",
cat.pathnomeit AS "CATEGORIA"
FROM prodotto AS prod
INNER JOIN magazzino AS mag ON (mag.prodotto_id = prod.id)
INNER JOIN marca ON (marca.id = prodotto.marca_id)
INNER JOIN genere ON (genere.id = prodotto.genere_id)
INNER JOIN categoria AS cat ON (cat.id = prod.categoria3_id)
WHERE prod.codiceproduttore <> ''
ORDER BY prod.id, mag.id
But, if I change the line with the translate, adding a double quote in the string to translate (which is what I'd like to have, as it is allowed in the SQL language), from
upper(TRANSLATE(prod.codiceproduttore, '\/:*?<>|-_ .', '')) AS "CODICE BONIFICATO",
upper(TRANSLATE(prod.codiceproduttore, '\/:*?"<>|-_ .', '')) AS "CODICE BONIFICATO",
then the autocomplete stops working from the line following that line.
DBeaver Version
Community Edition
Operating System
macOS Catalina (10.15.7)
Database and driver
Database name and version: PostgreSQL 14.5
Driver name and version: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.7.2
Steps to reproduce
connect to the database
write a simple query with the function translate(field, '\/:.')
try to autocomplete another field on the next line ➝ it works
change the string inside the translate, adding a double quote translate(field, '\/":.')
try to autocomplete another field on the next line ➝ it doesn't work (no proposal popup)
Hello and sorry to open this issue again, but I think I found a specific bug related to autocomplete: While I wrote the following query, autocomplete always worked great:
But, if I change the line with the translate, adding a double quote in the string to translate (which is what I'd like to have, as it is allowed in the SQL language), from
then the autocomplete stops working from the line following that line.
DBeaver Version
Community Edition
Operating System
macOS Catalina (10.15.7)
Database and driver
Steps to reproduce
translate(field, '\/:.')
translate(field, '\/":.')
Additional context
No response