@sssangha let us track here all the command to generate the following:
function details of the help:
raiderStats.py [-h] -f FNAME [-c COL_NAME] [-u UNIT] [-w WORKDIR]
[--cpus CPUS] [-verbose] [-b BOUNDING_BOX] [-sp SPACING]
[-fmt PLOT_FMT] [-cb CBOUNDS]
[-dt DENSITYTHRESHOLD] [-sg] [-dg] [-plotall]
[-station_distribution] [-station_delay_mean]
[-station_delay_stdev] [-grid_heatmap]
[-grid_delay_mean] [-grid_delay_stdev] [-grid_to_raster]
[-variogramplot] [-binnedvariogram]
Perform basic statistical analyses concerning the spatiotemporal distribution of zenith delays.
Specifically, make any of the following specified plot(s):
scatterplot of station locations, total empirical and experimental variogram fits for data in each grid cell
(and for each valid time-slice if -variogram_per_timeslice specified), and gridded heatmaps of data, station distribution,
range and sill values associated with experimental variogram fits. The default is to generate all of these.
Example call to plot gridded station mean delay in a specific time interval :
raiderStats.py -f -grid_delay_mean -ti '2016-01-01 2018-01-01'
Example call to plot gridded station mean delay in a specific time interval with superimposed gridlines and station scatterplots :
raiderStats.py -f -grid_delay_mean -ti '2016-01-01 2018-01-01' --drawgridlines --stationsongrids
Example call to plot gridded station variogram in a specific time interval and through explicitly the summer seasons:
raiderStats.py -f -grid_delay_mean -ti '2016-01-01 2018-01-01' --seasonalinterval '06-21 09-21' -variogramplot
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
User inputs/options for which especially careful review is recommended:
-f FNAME, --file FNAME
Final output file generated from downloadGNSSDelays.py
which contains GPS zenith delays for a specified time
period and spatial footprint.
-c COL_NAME, --column_name COL_NAME
Name of the input column to plot. Input assumed to be
in units of meters
-u UNIT, --unit UNIT Specified output unit, by default m. Input unit
interpreted from input filename following convention
in downloadGNSSDelays.py (i.e. mm if UNR, cm if
-w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
Specify directory to deposit all outputs. Default is
local directory where script is launched.
--cpus CPUS The number of cpus to be used for multiprocessing or
"all" for all available cpus.
-verbose, --verbose Run in verbose (debug) mode. Default False
Controls for spatiotemporal subsetting.:
-b BOUNDING_BOX, --bounding_box BOUNDING_BOX
Provide either valid shapefile or Lat/Lon Bounding
SNWE. -- Example : '19 20 -99.5 -98.5'
-sp SPACING, --spacing SPACING
Specify spacing of grid-cells for statistical
analyses. By default 1 deg.
Subset in time by specifying earliest YYYY-MM-DD date
followed by latest date YYYY-MM-DD. -- Example :
'2016-01-01 2019-01-01'.
Subset in by an specific interval for each year by
specifying earliest MM-DD time followed by latest MM-
DD time. -- Example : '03-21 06-21'.
Optional controls for plot formatting/options.:
-fmt PLOT_FMT, --plot_format PLOT_FMT
Plot format to use for saving figures
-cb CBOUNDS, --color_bounds CBOUNDS
List of two floats to use as color axis bounds
Set low and upper percentile for plot colorbars. By
default 25% and 95%, respectively.
For variogram plots, given grid-cell is only valid if
it contains this specified threshold of stations. By
default 10 stations.
-sg, --stationsongrids
In gridded plots, superimpose your gridded array with
a scatterplot of station locations.
-dg, --drawgridlines Draw gridlines on gridded plots.
-plotall, --plotall Generate all supported plots, including variogram
Supported types of individual station scatter-plots.:
-station_distribution, --station_distribution
Plot station distribution.
-station_delay_mean, --station_delay_mean
Plot station mean delay.
-station_delay_stdev, --station_delay_stdev
Plot station delay stdev.
Supported types of gridded plots.:
-grid_heatmap, --grid_heatmap
Plot gridded station heatmap.
-grid_delay_mean, --grid_delay_mean
Plot gridded station mean delay.
-grid_delay_stdev, --grid_delay_stdev
Plot gridded station delay stdev.
-grid_to_raster, --grid_to_raster
Save gridded array as raster. May directly load/plot
in successive script call.
Supported types of variogram plots.:
-variogramplot, --variogramplot
Plot gridded station variogram.
-binnedvariogram, --binnedvariogram
Apply experimental variogram fit to total binned
empirical variograms for each time slice. Default is
to pass total unbinned empiricial variogram.
-variogram_per_timeslice, --variogram_per_timeslice
Generate variogram plots per gridded station AND time-
Change to be implemented:
@sssangha semantics of the plots to be changed:
Rounding of the colorbar ticks.
e.g. rounded increments, 1 or 2 decimal digit post comma
Variogram range to be reported in km units: related to @leiyangleon #201
Remove the wording heatmap from the colorbar title
Change "sill" to "Variance" and "range" to "Range"; "latitude" to "Latitude"; "longitude" to "Longitude"
Ability to improve the dpm for the Figures;e.g. global plot legend are very pixelated.
Ability to control cm for both range and sill; perhaps second set is used for sill (variance) only?
Stats class commands
Stats class plotting options to adjust
control colorbounds with -cb, e.g.: -cb '0 5.1'
control lower/upper bound color-percentile for saturation control with -cp (by default 25% and 95%, respectively), e.g.: -cp 0 100
@sssangha let us track here all the command to generate the following:
function details of the help:
Change to be implemented:
@sssangha semantics of the plots to be changed:
Stats class commands
Stats class plotting options to adjust
GNSS location plot
GNSS locations union of 10 years
Command to update:
GNSS location for each each
Command to update:
Seasonal Analysis:
Command to update:
Variogram Analysis:
10 year variogram over the 10 years
Command to update:
1 year variograms over 10 years
Command to update:
Winter variograms over 10 years
Command to update:
Spring variograms over 10 years
Command to update:
Summer variograms over 10 years
Command to update:
Autumn variograms over 10 years
Command to update: