dbeley / rymscraper

Python library to extract data from rateyourmusic.com.
MIT License
163 stars 25 forks source link

Might want to note that user data exports are supported by RYM #23

Open RollingStar opened 3 years ago

RollingStar commented 3 years ago

User data exports are visible on the bottom of your user page (while logged in?). Example user page is https://rateyourmusic.com/~M4rcus

I don't see the export button (very bottom of the page) there, but on my own page, I have it. It exports a simple CSV of user ratings.

Having this saves me some effort - I was going to cook something up that used this project as a baseline. This project comes up on Google when searching for "rateyourmusic api", so maybe note this in the readme.md?