dbeley / rymscraper

Python library to extract data from rateyourmusic.com.
MIT License
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Albums with "Needs more weighted ratings to attain its full chart position" are currently ignored #39

Closed Vuizur closed 1 year ago

Vuizur commented 1 year ago


currently when a chart is scraped that has entries with this tag, all of those are ignored. An example is here (code works on my fork):

from rymscraper.RymUrl import RymUrl
from rymscraper import rymscraper
url = RymUrl(genres="dream pop", origin_countries="russia")
network = rymscraper.RymNetwork()

list_rows = network.get_chart_infos(url)

This prints only 4 results, because the other entries under https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album/all-time/g:dream-pop/loc:russia/1/ have this indicator. It would be cool if they would be scraped despite of this.

Vuizur commented 1 year ago

I think I have a fix for this, I will push it to my branch.